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int id = 112;

String[] newData = { "1", "2", "21", "reidb", "reidb", "reidb", "reidb", "aa",
                      "Some description", "11", "2012-02-28", "2012-01-29", "true", "1", "1",
                      "true", "note note note", "true", "1", "2011-12-03", "45"};

String data = "{ cmd: \"save magellan deal\", data: { id: {0} , AId: {1}, " +
            "CId: {2}, CCId:{3}, LA: \"{4}\", BA: \"{5}\" , " +
            "LSA: \"{6}\" , BSA: \"{7}\" , \"path: \"{8}\"," +
            "dscp: \"{9}\", SI: \"{10}\", CD: \"{11}\", " +
            "period: \"{12}\", IsStatic: {13}, LSD: {14}, LC: {15}, RB: {16},} " +
            "Notes: \"{17}\", IsEE: {18}, RBy: {19}, DPDD: \"{20}\", LId: {21} } }";

String cmd = String.Format(data, id.toString(), newData);



固定花括号后,出现新错误“索引(从零开始)必须大于或等于零且小于参数列表的大小。”给出。 newData有21并加上id.toString(),应该精确为22吗?



"{{ cmd: \"save magellan deal\", data: {{ id: {0} , AId: {1}, " +
"CId: {2}, CCId:{3}, LA: \"{4}\", BA: \"{5}\" , " +
"LSA: \"{6}\" , BSA: \"{7}\" , \"path: \"{8}\"," +
"dscp: \"{9}\", SI: \"{10}\", CD: \"{11}\", " +
"period: \"{12}\", IsStatic: {13}, LSD: {14}, LC: {15}, RB: {16},}} " +
"Notes: \"{17}\", IsEE: {18}, RBy: {19}, DPDD: \"{20}\", LId: {21} }} }}"


关于c# - String.Format:输入字符串的格式不正确,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

10-12 14:53