使用 scp 命令在 perl 中进行编程时
我不得不面对 scp 命令的退出状态
如果你告诉我哪个退出值(除了 0-success,1-error)是为了我的生活会很简单
来自 here :
0 Operation was successful
1 General error in file copy
2 Destination is not directory, but it should be
3 Maximum symlink level exceeded
4 Connecting to host failed.
5 Connection broken
6 File does not exist
7 No permission to access file.
8 General error in sftp protocol
9 File transfer protocol mismatch
10 No file matches a given criteria
65 Host not allowed to connect
66 General error in ssh protocol
67 Key exchange failed
68 Reserved
69 MAC error
70 Compression error
71 Service not available
72 Protocol version not supported
73 Host key not verifiable
74 Connection failed
75 Disconnected by application
76 Too many connections
77 Authentication cancelled by user
78 No more authentication methods available
79 Invalid user name
关于unix - 我可以知道 unix 中 scp 命令的退出状态吗,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/921210/