
slot : acu:1/1                         plannedtype : ngfcf                       actualtype : ngfcf                           operstatus : enabled
errorstatus : noerror                                                                       availability : available
alarmprofile : none                                                                          capabprofile : not_applicable

slot : acu:1/2                         plannedtype : ngfcf                       actualtype : ngfcf                           operstatus : enabled
errorstatus : noerror                                                                       availability : available
alarmprofile : none                                                                          capabprofile : not_applicable

slot : acu:1/3                       plannedtype : ngfcf                       actualtype : ngfcf                           operstatus : enabled
errorstatus : noerror                                                                       availability : available
alarmprofile : none                                                                          capabprofile : not_applicable


#reading a text file

import re
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd

result = defaultdict(list)

with open('gthamelslot.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        match = re.findall(r"\s+(\S+)\s+:\s+(\S+)", line)
        for k,v in match:
            if k in ["slot",

df = pd.DataFrame(result)
writetocsv = df.to_csv("test.csv")


slot     plannedtype  actualtype  errorstatus
acu:1/1  ngfcf         ngfcf        noerror


slot     plannedtype  actualtype  errorstatus
acu:1/1  ngfcf         ngfcf        noerror
acu:1/2  ngfcf         ngfcf        noerror
acu:1/3  ngfcf         ngfcf        noerror



将正则表达式更改为r“ \ b(\ S +)\ s +:\ s +(\ S +)”以允许在行首进行匹配(更改以查找单词边界)

当比较列表中的某些项目(例如“ planned-type”)中的文件名不是“-”时(在您想要的字段中删除“-”,例如plannedtype,actualtype,errorstatus)。

import re
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd

result = defaultdict(list)

with open('gthamelslot.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        match = re.findall(r"\b(\S+)\s+:\s+(\S+)", line)
        for k,v in match:
            if k in ["slot",

df = pd.DataFrame(result)
writetocsv = df.to_csv("test.csv")


slot plannedtype actualtype errorstatus
0  acu:1/1       ngfcf      ngfcf     noerror
1  acu:1/2       ngfcf      ngfcf     noerror
2  acu:1/3       ngfcf      ngfcf     noerror

关于python - 我的代码只循环到某个点,然后忽略该Python,字典,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59479249/

10-14 19:38