
include <stdio.h>     /* printf                         */
include "fractions.h" /* struct FRACTION, add_fractions */

struct FRACTION make_fraction(int numerator, int denominator)
  struct FRACTION f;

  f.numerator = numerator;
  f.denominator = denominator;

  return f;

void test_fraction(int numerator1, int denominator1,
                   int numerator2, int denominator2)
  struct FRACTION a = make_fraction(numerator1, denominator1);
  struct FRACTION b = make_fraction(numerator2, denominator2);

  struct FRACTION c = add_fractions(&a, &b);

  printf("%i/%i + %i/%i = %i/%i\n", a.numerator, a.denominator,
                                    b.numerator, b.denominator,
                                    c.numerator, c.denominator);

void testGCD(void)
  int m, n;

  m = 15; n = 18; /* GCD is 3 */
  printf("GCD of %i and %i is %i\n", m, n, GCD(m, n));
  printf("GCD of %i and %i is %i\n", n, m, GCD(n, m));

  m = 80; n = 20; /* GCD is 20 */
  printf("GCD of %i and %i is %i\n", m, n, GCD(m, n));
  printf("GCD of %i and %i is %i\n", n, m, GCD(n, m));

  m = 21; n = 47; /* GCD is 1 */
  printf("GCD of %i and %i is %i\n", m, n, GCD(m, n));
  printf("GCD of %i and %i is %i\n", n, m, GCD(n, m));

  m = 68; n = 153; /* GCD is 17 */
  printf("GCD of %i and %i is %i\n", m, n, GCD(m, n));
  printf("GCD of %i and %i is %i\n", n, m, GCD(n, m));

int main(void)

  test_fraction(2, 3, 1, 6);
  test_fraction(1, 5, 4, 9);
  test_fraction(3, 7, 12, 21);
  test_fraction(5, 8, 3, 16);
  test_fraction(7, 8, 3, 12);
  test_fraction(0, 8, 3, 16);
  test_fraction(1, 1, 3, 16);
  test_fraction(5, 8, -3, 16);
  test_fraction(1, 5, -4, 9);
  test_fraction(-1, 5, -4, 9);

  return 0;

我的任务是编写 GCD()add_fractions() ,这就是我写的:
include "fractions.h"

struct FRACTION add_fractions(const struct FRACTION *a, const struct FRACTION *b)
    struct FRACTION c ; /*result struct*/
   /* int GCD_a = GCD(a.numerator, a.denominator);  GCD of the fraction a*/
    /*int GCD_b = GCD(b.numerator, b.denominator);  GCD of the fraction b*/

    c.numerator = (a.numerator) + (b.numerator);
    c.denominator = a.denominator ;

    return c;
  /* struct FRACTION empty;*/
   /*return empty;*/

int GCD(int a, int b)
    int remainder = 0; /*remainder*/
    int larger = a;
    int smaller = b;

    remainder = larger % smaller;
    while (remainder != 0)
      larger = smaller;
      smaller = remainder;
      remainder = larger % smaller;

    return smaller;

假设目前两个分母相等,为什么我不能用 Cygwin 运行它?我用这个命令编译
gcc -Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameters main.c fractions.c -o fractions.exe

我有两个错误:(Cygwin 在我的电脑上是西类牙语,所以我不确定我要写的是准确的翻译):
error: trying to put "numerator" in something which is not a struct




const struct FRACTION *a, const struct FRACTION *b

所以 ab 是指向常量 struct FRACTION 的指针。然后你写:
c.numerator = (a.numerator) + (b.numerator);

你不使用 . 访问结构指针的成员,但使用 -> ,这应该是
c.numerator = a->numerator + b->numerator;

P.S. 1:括号是不需要的,不要多加,会降低可读性。

P.S. 2:你的加法公式坏了,用
c.numerator = a->numerator * b->denominator + b->numerator * a->denominator;
c.denominator = a->denominator * b->denominator;


关于c - 如何将两个分数相加?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13748080/

10-11 22:43