//This function gets called by the interface with an id to retrieve a document
function loadDocument(id){
method: "get",
url: "ajax.php",
data: {action:'loadDocument',id: id},
dataType: 'json',
cache: true,
beforeSend: function(){
if($("#loading").dialog('isOpen') != true){
//Display the loading dialog
modal: true
}//end if
},//end beforesend
success: function(result){
if(result.Error == undefined){
outputDocument(result, id);
<handle error code>
}//end if
if($('#loading').dialog('isOpen') == true){
//Close the loading dialog
}//end if
}//end success
});//end ajax
};//end loadDocument();
//Output document to screen
function outputDocument(data, doc_id){
//Begin document output
var rows = '<table>';
rows += '<thead>';
rows += '<tr>';
rows += '<th>ID</th>';
rows += '<th>Status</th>';
rows += '<th>Name</th>';
rows += '<th>Actions</th>';
rows += '<th>Origin</th>';
rows += '</tr>';
rows += '</thead>';
rows += '<tbody>';
for(var i in data){
var recordId = data[i].id;
rows += '<tr id="' + recordId + '" class="' + data[i].status + '">';
rows += '<td width="1%" align="center">' + recordId + '</td>';
rows += '<td width="1%" align="center"><span class="status" rel="' + recordId + '"><strong>' + data[i].status + '</strong></span></td>';
rows += '<td width="70%"><span class="name">' + data[i].name + '</span></td>';
rows += '<td width="2%">';
rows += '<input type="button" class="failOne" rev="' + recordId + '" value="F">';
rows += '<input type="button" class="promoteOne" rev="' + recordId + '" value="P">';
rows += '</td>';
rows += '<td width="1%">' + data[i].origin + '</td>';
rows += '</tr>';
}//end for
rows += '</tbody>';
rows += '</table>';
我想到了使用类似Google Gears的工具来尝试卸载某些处理程序(如果在这种情况下可能的话)。
var r = new Array();
var j = -1, recordId;
r[++j] = '<table><thead><tr><th>ID</th><th>Status</th><th>Name</th><th>Actions</th><th>Origin</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
for (var i in data){
var d = data[i];
recordId = d.id;
r[++j] = '<tr id="';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '" class="';
r[++j] = d.status;
r[++j] = '"><td width="1%" align="center">';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '</td><td width="1%" align="center"><span class="status" rel="';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '"><strong>';
r[++j] = d.status;
r[++j] = '</strong></span></td><td width="70%"><span class="name">';
r[++j] = d.name;
r[++j] = '</span></td><td width="2%"><input type="button" class="failOne" rev="';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '" value="F"><input type="button" class="promoteOne" rev="';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '" value="P"></td><td width="1%">';
r[++j] = d.origin;
r[++j] = '</td></tr>';
r[++j] = '</tbody></table>';
另外,根据this article,我将使用此处显示的数组索引方法,而不是使用“push”,因为对于除Google Chrome之外的所有浏览器,它都更快。