(d1 * 1 + d2 * 2 + d3 * 3 + d4 * 4 + d5 * 5 +
d6 * 6 + d7 * 7 + d8 * 8 + d9 * 9)%11

/* Class:        CS1301
* Section:       9:30
* Term:          Fall 2015
* Name:          Matthew Woolridge
* Instructor:    Mr. Robert Thorsen
* Assignment:    4
* Program:       1
* ProgramName:   ISBN_Number
* Purpose:       Prompts the user to enter the first nine numbers of an ISBN and calculates the tenth
* Operation:     The information to be numbers are statically instantiated in the code and
*                the table is output to the screen.
* Input(s):      The user inputs the first nine ISBN numbers
* Output(s):     The output will be the full the tenth ISBN number in the full number
* Methodology:   The program will use if statements and defined variables which use the user input variables to calculate the ISBN
* and return it to the user.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class ISBN_Number

   public static void main (String[] args)

      *                          Declarations Section                               *
      int [] ISBN = new int [8];
      int num1 = 0;
      int nextNum;
      int i;
      int input=0;
      int num10=0;
      String fullIsbn;

      Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in); //Scanner utility initialization

      *                             Inputs Section                                  *

      System.out.print("Please input the first nine digits (between 0-9) of your ISBN not including the leading 0: ");
      for (i = 0; i<ISBN.length;i++)
         nextNum = scan.nextInt(); // For loop that asks for an input until it fills the array of 8
         ISBN[i] = nextNum;

      if (input == 8)
       num10 = (ISBN[0] * 1 + ISBN[1] * 2 + ISBN[2] * 3 + ISBN[3] * 4 + ISBN[4] * 5 + ISBN[5] * 6 + ISBN[6] * 7 + ISBN[7] * 8 + ISBN[8] * 9) % 11; // Calculates the value of num10
       System.out.println("You did not input enough or input too many digits.");

      *                             Processing Section                            *

      if (num10 == 10)
         fullIsbn = num1 + ISBN[0] + "" + ISBN[1] + "" + ISBN[2] + "" + ISBN[3] + "" + ISBN[4] + "" + ISBN[5] + "" + ISBN[6] + "" + ISBN[7] + "" + ISBN[8] + "" + "X";
      else  // Determines if num10 is equal to x or not and prints
         fullIsbn = num1 + "" + ISBN[0] + "" + ISBN[1] + "" + ISBN[2] + "" + ISBN[3] + "" + ISBN[4] + "" + ISBN[5] + "" + ISBN[6] + "" + ISBN[7] + "" + ISBN[8] + "" + num10;

       *                              Outputs Section                                *

      System.out.print("The full ISBN number is " + fullIsbn); // Prints the full 10 digit isbn
   } // Rnds string
} // Ends program



Sytem.out.print(yourArrayName [9]); //打印出数组的第十个数字


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main

    public static void main (String[] args)
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
        int [] ISBN = new int [10];
        int input =0;

        System.out.print("Give me 10 numbers: ");

        for (int i = 0; i<ISBN.length;i++){
            int nextNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
            ISBN[i] = nextNumber;

            if (input==10){
                System.out.print("The tenth number you gave me is: "+ISBN[9]);



import java.util.*;
public class Main

    public static void main (String[] args)
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
        int [] ISBN = new int [10];
        int input =0;
        String fullIsbn;

        System.out.print("Give me 10 numbers: ");

        for (int i = 0; i<ISBN.length;i++){
            int nextNumber = keyboard.nextInt();
            ISBN[i] = nextNumber;

            if (input==10){
                ISBN[9] = (ISBN[0] * 1 + ISBN[1] * 2 + ISBN[2] * 3 + ISBN[3] * 4 + ISBN[4] * 5 + ISBN[5] * 6 + ISBN[6] * 7 + ISBN[7] * 8 + ISBN[8] * 9) % 11;
                if (ISBN[9] == 10)

                    fullIsbn = ISBN[0] + "" + ISBN[1] + "" + ISBN[2] + "" + ISBN[3] + "" + ISBN[4] + "" + ISBN[5] + "" + ISBN[6] + "" + ISBN[7] + "" + ISBN[8] + "" + "X";
                else  // Determines if num10 is equal to x or not and prints
                    fullIsbn = ISBN[0] + "" + ISBN[1] + "" + ISBN[2] + "" + ISBN[3] + "" + ISBN[4] + "" + ISBN[5] + "" + ISBN[6] + "" + ISBN[7] + "" + ISBN[8] + "" + ISBN[9];

                System.out.print("The tenth number you gave me is: "+fullIsbn);


10-05 23:03