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Assigning Float Pointers in C [closed]

float * function(const int *x)
    float *p = (float*)x;
    return p;

但这会导致运行时读取如下错误:“ free():无效指针:0x00007fffc0e6b734”。可以说,我很困惑。您能提供的任何见解将不胜感激!


对C陌生,您对scope of variables熟悉吗?变量作用域的简短版本(的一部分)是,如果您不做任何额外的操作,则在函数中创建的变量仅存在于该函数内部。为什么这对您很重要:如果您返回指向在函数内部创建的变量的指针(不做任何额外的事情),则该指针将指向可能包含或可能不包含分配给它的值的内存区域。一种执行所需操作的方法是:

float *makefloat(int *x) {

//  static keyword tells C to keep this variable after function exits
    static float f;

//  the next statement working from right to left does the following
//  get value of pointer to int (x) by dereferencing:   *x
//  change that int value to a float with a cast:       (float)
//  assign that value to the static float we created:   f =
    f = (float) *x;
//  make pointer to float from static variable:         &f
    return &f;


*&的良好解释:Pointers in C: when to use the ampersand and the asterisk

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10-11 22:55