我的第一种方法是检查视图中心的坐标,如果满足某些条件,则适当地启用/禁用x / y。这导致了一个漫长的if语句,该语句很难维护。在大多数情况下,它都能正常工作-偶尔会卡住,但是我知道我需要做些什么来修复它。
顺便说一句,这是我对第一种情况的 super 粗略和低效的测试:
// The reason we aren't using if else is because we want to allow both x and y movement if they are on a corner.
if(knob.center.x >= 218 && knob.center.x <= 240 && knob.center.y == 140) {
// First line
canMoveX = TRUE;
if(translation.x + knob.center.x < 218) {
translation.x = knob.center.x - 218;
else if(translation.x + knob.center.x > 240) {
translation.x = 240 - knob.center.x;
if(knob.center.x == 240 && knob.center.y >= 140 && knob.center.y <= 230) {
// Second Line
canMoveY = TRUE;
if(translation.y + knob.center.y < 140) { translation.y = knob.center.y - 140; }
else if(translation.y + knob.center.y > 230) { translation.y = 230 - knob.center.y; }
if(knob.center.x >= 224 && knob.center.x <= 240 && knob.center.y == 230) {
// Third Line
canMoveX = TRUE;
if(translation.x + knob.center.x < 224) { translation.x = knob.center.x - 224; }
else if(translation.x + knob.center.x > 240) { translation.x = 240 - knob.center.x; }
if(knob.center.x == 224 && knob.center.y >= 230 && knob.center.y <= 285) {
// Fourth Line
canMoveY = TRUE;
if(translation.y + knob.center.y < 230) { translation.y = knob.center.y - 230; }
else if(translation.y + knob.center.y > 285) { translation.y = 285 - knob.center.y; }
if(knob.center.x >= 205 && knob.center.x <= 224 && knob.center.y == 285) {
// Fifth Line
canMoveX = TRUE;
if(translation.x + knob.center.x < 205) { translation.x = knob.center.x - 205; }
else if(translation.x + knob.center.x > 224) { translation.x = 224 - knob.center.x; }
if(knob.center.x == 205 && knob.center.y >= 285 && knob.center.y <= 337) {
// Sixth Line
canMoveY = TRUE;
if(translation.y + knob.center.y < 285) { translation.y = knob.center.y - 285; }
else if(translation.y + knob.center.y > 337) { translation.y = 337 - knob.center.y; }
if(knob.center.x >= 133 && knob.center.x <= 205 && knob.center.y == 337) {
// Seventh Line
canMoveX = TRUE;
if(translation.x + knob.center.x < 133) { translation.x = knob.center.x - 133; }
else if(translation.x + knob.center.x > 205) { translation.x = 205 - knob.center.x; }
if(canMoveX) {
[piece setCenter:CGPointMake([piece center].x + translation.x, [piece center].y)];
[gesture setTranslation:CGPointZero inView:[piece superview]];
if(canMoveY) {
[piece setCenter:CGPointMake([piece center].x, [piece center].y + translation.y)];
[gesture setTranslation:CGPointZero inView:[piece superview]];
是的,您可以在没有很多if..elses的情况下进行动画处理,您将必须实现Core Animation的CAKeyFrameAnimation才能沿着更轻巧的路径描绘一个动画。
UIBezierPath *yourPath= [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[yourPath moveToPoint:P(x, y)];
[yourPath addCurveToPoint:P(x1, y1) controlPoint1:P(x, y) controlPoint2:P(x, y)];
//You will have to use addCurveToPoint to add next turn.
CAShapeLayer *yourFollowPath= [CAShapeLayer layer];
yourFollowPath.path = yourPath.CGPath;
yourFollowPath.strokeColor = [UIColor redColor].CGColor;
yourFollowPath.fillColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
yourFollowPath.lineWidth = 50.0;
[self.view.layer addSublayer:yourFollowPath];
CALayer *moveObject= [CALayer layer];
moveObject.bounds = CGRectMake(x, y, width, height);
moveObject.position = P(objXPOs, objYPos);
moveObject.contents = (id)([UIImage imageNamed:@"YouImageOfObjectToMove"].CGImage);
[self.view.layer addSublayer:moveObject];
CAKeyframeAnimation *animate = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"Animating"];
animate .path = yourPath.CGPath;
animate .rotationMode = kCAAnimationRotateAuto;
animate .repeatCount = HUGE_VALF;
animate .duration = 11;
[moveObjectaddAnimation:animate forKey:@"gogogo"];
[yourView.layer removeAllAnimations];
关于objective-c - 沿直线路径和角落拖动UIView,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10634921/