我对动态编程有疑问。这是最短路径的问题。前提是我需要帮助一个“ friend ”编写一个程序,以便他可以使用最便宜的平铺方式建立自己的棚屋路径。变量D(到棚的距离)可以是1
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits.h>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int cheapestTiling(int dist, int numtiles, int A[], int B[]){
//distance to the shed
int shedDistance = dist;
//number of types of tiles used
int numberTiles = numtiles;
//make new arrays for the costs and lengths of each tiles
int LengthTile[numberTiles];
int PriceTile[numberTiles];
int costPerSize[numberTiles];
//min length, min price
int minlength = 0;
int minprice = 0;
while (shedDistance != 0){
for (int i = 0; i < nAumberTiles; i++){
LengthTile[i] = A[i];
PriceTile[i] = B[i];
costPerSize[i] = (A[i]/B[i])
while((LengthTile[i] > LengthTile[i+1])
if(shedDistance > lengthTile[i])
//here i'm trying to find the longer tile and use those first
//I havent started worrying about the cost yet and am just focusing
//on the length/distance aspect
int tempTile = lengthTile[i];
shedDistance = shedDistance - tempTile;
// else if((shedDistance < lengthTile[i]) && (lengthTile[i+1] < shedDistance))
minlength = LengthTile[0];
minprice = PriceTile[0];
for(int i = 1; i < numberTiles; i++)
if(LengthTile[i] < minlength)
minlength = LengthTile[i];
if(PriceTile[i] < minprice)
minprice = PriceTile[i];
//error check for shed distance = 1
if (shedDistance == 1)
shedDistance = shedDistance - minlength;
return minprice;
//error check for shed distance < 0
else if (shedDistance < 0)
return 0;
int main (){
//distance to shed
int distance = 0;
//number of types of tiles used
int num = 0;
//the return of the total cost, the answer
int totalCost = 0;
//get distance to shed
cin >> distance;
//get number of types of tiles
cin >> num;
//cost of each tile used
int TileLength[num];
int TilePrice[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
cin >> TileLength[i];
cin >> TilePrice[i];
totalCost = cheapestTiling(distance, numTiles, TileLength, TilePrice);
cout << totalCost << endl;
关于c++ - 最短/最便宜的路径?在这里如何使用动态编程?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20080211/