我正在使用下面描述的方法运行adb shell命令
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/c " + cmd);
procStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
procStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo;
在Android手机上,我正在启动一个录制视频的应用,因此cmd =“ adb shell am startservice -n com.xxx.xxx/.xxx”。
string cmd = " shell am startservice -n com.xxx.xxx/.xxx";
using (Process proc = new process())
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe");
procStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
procStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo;
proc.StandardInput.Writeline("adb devices");
proc.StandardInput.Writeline("adb shell getprop dhcp.wlan0.ipaddress"); // this will not work on some newer os
string deviceip = proc.StandardOutput.Readline();
proc.StandardInput.Writeline("adb tcpip 5555"); // this will turn on ADB to wifi on port 5555
proc.StandardInput.Writeline("adb connect " + deviceip + " 5555"); // this allows you to at this point unplug your device
proc.StandardInput.Writeline("adb -s " + deviceip + ":5555" + cmd); // this connects running the command on the specific ip address so when you disconnect usb it will continue creating movie
} // this might not be correct wait command
我使用的主要语言是Visual Basic,因此可能需要一些工作才能正常工作
关于c# - 我可以在C#中运行adb shell命令,拔出USB电缆时不中断它吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34441978/