
在字符串中,键写为此@keyName或@“ keyName”,应将其替换为map.get(“ keyName”)


"key1" : "2"
"key2" : "3"
"key3" : "4"
"key 4" : "5"
"key-5" : "6"

因此,如果我们处理字符串“ hello world,我今年@ key1岁。”,它将变成“ hello world,我今年2岁”。

代替@ key1,我们可以使用@“ key1”。如果我们在不带引号的情况下使用它,则键名后面应包含空格(空格字符)或EOF,并且键名中不应包含空格。但是,如果键名中有空格,则应在引号中。

并且,如果我们处理字符串“ hello world,我是@“ key @” key1“”岁。”,则第一步应替换特殊字符串中的特殊字符串,并成为“ hello world,我是@“ key2”。岁。”然后第二步应该是“你好,我今年3岁”。


private static Pattern specialStringPattern = Pattern.compile("@\"([^\"]*?)\"|@\\S+");

/** this replaces the keys inside a string with their values.
 * for example @keyName or @"keyName" is replaced with the value of the keyName. */
public static String specialStrings(String s) {
    Matcher matcher = specialStringPattern.matcher(s);
    while (matcher.find()) {
        String text = matcher.group();
        text = text.replace("@","").replaceAll("\"","");
        s = s.replace(matcher.group(),map.get(text));
    return s;



There is @key1 apples on the table.
There is 2 apples on the table.

There is @"key1" apples on the table.
There is 2 apples on the table.

There is @key 4 apples on the table.
There is null 4 apples on the table.

There is @"key 4" apples on the table.
There is 5 apples on the table.

There is @key@key2 apples on the table.
There is @key3 apples on the table. (second step)
There is 4 apples on the table. (final output)

There is @"key @"key3"" apples on the table.
There is @"key 4" apples on the table. (second step)
There is 5 apples on the table. (final output)

There is @"key @key3" apples on the table.
There is @"key 4" apples on the table. (second step)
There is 5 apples on the table. (final output)

There is @"key @key3 " apples on the table.
There is @"key 4 " apples on the table. (second step)
There is null apples on the table. (final output)

There is @key-5 apples on the table.
There is 6 apples on the table.





public static String specialStrings(String s) {
    Matcher matcher = specialStringPattern.matcher(s);
    boolean findAgain = false;
    while (matcher.find()) {
        String text = matcher.group();
        text = text.replace("@","").replaceAll("\"","");
        s = s.replace(matcher.group(),map.get(text));
        findAgain = true;
    if (findAgain) return specialStrings(s);
    return s;



10-07 12:54