
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <locale.h>

void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    printf("This program tests Urdu reading:\n");
    wchar_t c;
    FILE *f = fopen("urdu.txt", "r");
    while ((c = fgetwc(f)) != WEOF) {
        wprintf(L"%lc\n", c);


میرا نام ابراھیم ھے۔

میں وینڈربلٹ یونیورسٹی میں پڑھتا ھوں۔



操作系统:Windows 10 64 bit


d9 85 db 8c d8 b1 d8 a7 20 d9 86 d8 a7 d9 85 20 d8 a7 d8 a8 d8 b1 d8 a7 da be db 8c d9 85 20 da be db 92 db 94 ad 98 5d b8 cd ab a2 0d 98 8d b8 cd 98 6d a8 8d 8b 1d 8a 8d 98 4d 9b 92 0d b8 cd 98 8d 98 6d b8 cd 98 8d 8b 1d 8b 3d 9b 9d b8 c2 0d 98 5d b8 cd ab a2 0d 9b ed a9 1d ab ed 8a ad 8a 72 0d ab ed 98 8d ab ad b9 4a



#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

    // Next line is needed to output wchar_t data to the console. Note that
    // Urdu characters are not supported by standard console fonts. You may
    // have to install appropriate fonts to see Urdu on the console.
    // Failing that, redirecting to a file and opening with a text editor
    // should show Urdu characters.

    _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);

    // Mixing wide-character and narrow-character output to stdout is not
    // a good idea. Using wprintf throughout. (Not Windows-specific)

    wprintf(L"This program tests UTF-8 reading:\n");

    // WEOF is not guaranteed to fit into wchar_t. It is necessary
    // to use wint_t to keep a result of fgetwc, or to print with
    // %lc. (Not Windows-specific)

    wint_t c;

    // Next line has a non-standard parameter passed to fopen, ccs=...
    // This is a Windows way to support different file encodings.
    // There are no UTF-8 locales in Windows.

    FILE *f = fopen("urdu.txt", "r,ccs=UTF-8");

    while ((c = fgetwc(f)) != WEOF) {
        wprintf(L"%lc", c);


10-06 09:12