
我有一个String arraylist&我想在indexOf方法中使用完整字符串的部分文本来获取arraylist中所需字符串的索引号。

var text[]=
0----This text over here $%*&*&*&(()(&$..: matches
1----%#@!$%*&*&*&(()(&$..: text to be matched
2----Where does this %#@!$%*&*&*&(()(&$..: belongs to any type of category
3----There are many %#@!$%*&*&*&(()(&$..: comparators

var index=text.indexOf("Where does this %#@!$%*&*&*&(()(&$..: belongs to any type of category")

var index=text.indexOf("belongs to any type of category")

我需要根据文字匹配命中获得索引号2,即“%#@!$%&& *&(()(&$ ..:属于任何类别的类别)在哪里”



describe('angularjs homepage todo list', function() {
    var index = 'not found';
    var text1 = "";

    it('test', function() {
        var textToFind = "belongs to any type of category";
        for (var i=0;i<10;i++){
        var results_list=element.all(By.xpath("//*[@id='panel']/div/div[2]/span[1]")).get(i).getText().then(function(text) {
            console.log("promise returned text inside function is "+text1);
            return text1;
        console.log('Text via global defined variable text1 is ' + text1);
        getIndex(0, text1.length, text1, textToFind);
        console.log('index is ' + index);

    function getIndex(i, max, array, textToFind) {
        if (i < max) {
            console.log('text[' + i + '].indexOf = ' + array[i].indexOf(textToFind))
            if (array[i].indexOf(textToFind) > 0) {
                index = i;
                //The index number will be assigned to the variable index
                //if indexOf is greater than 0, e.g. 38 was returned on index 2
           } else {
                getIndex(i + 1, max, array, textToFind);

 Started execution of test

 Text via global defined variable text1 is
 index is not found
 Test Case passed

 promise returned text inside function is ['This text over here $%*&*&*&(()(&$..: matches',
    '%#@!$%*&*&*&(()(&$..: text to be matched',
    'Where does this %#@!$%*&*&*&(()(&$..: belongs to any type of category',
'There are many %#@!$%*&*&*&(()(&$..: comparators']

 1 spec, 0 failures
 Finished in 58.462 seconds

 [18:35:47] I/launcher - 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running
 [18:35:47] I/launcher - internet explorerANY #01 passed



describe('testing', function() {
    var index = 'not found';
    var text1 = [];

    it('should push element to array', function() {
        browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
        var elm = element(by.id('leftmenuinner')).all(By.css('[target="_top"]'));
        elm.count().then(function(count) {
            pushToArray(0, count, elm);


    it('should identify index', function() {
        var textToFind = "Data Binding";
        getIndex(0, text1.length, text1, textToFind);
        console.log('Text via global defined variable text1 is ' + text1);
        console.log('index is ' + index);

    function getIndex(i, max, array, textToFind) {
        if (i < max) {
                console.log('text[' + i + '].indexOf = ' + array[i].indexOf(textToFind))
                    if (array[i].indexOf(textToFind) > 0) {
                        index = i;
                        //The index number will be assigned to the variable index
                        //if indexOf is greater than 0, e.g. 38 was returned on index 2
                } else {
                        getIndex(i + 1, max, array, textToFind);

    function pushToArray(i, max, elm) {
        if (i < max) {
            elm.get(i).getText().then(function(tmpText) {
            pushToArray(i + 1, max, elm);


07-24 09:50