我目前正在为卫星游戏构建简化的 react 控制系统,并且需要一种使用该系统将卫星与世界空间坐标中的给定单位方向对齐的方法。因为这是游戏模拟,所以我在伪造系统,只是在对象震中周围施加扭矩。
到目前为止,我已经确定的是,需要根据当前的角速度和两个 vector 之间的角度来计算达到零速度所需的“时间”。如果超过我达到零角的时间,则需要施加相反的扭矩。从理论上讲,这也可以防止其围绕轴“弹跳”得太多。我几乎可以使它正常工作,但是在某些情况下,在一个方向上施加力似乎卡住了,所以我希望有人可以检查一下逻辑。我的模拟目前未考虑质量,因此您可以忽略惯量张量(除非它使计算更容易!)
Omega = Angular Velocity in Local-Space (Degrees Per Second)
Force = Strength of the Thrusters
// Calculate Time Variables
float Angle = AcosD(DotProduct(ForwardVector, DirectionVector));
float Time1 = Abs(Angle / Omega.Z); // Time taken to reach angle 0 at current velocity
float Time2 = Abs(DeltaTime * (Omega.Z / Force); // Time it will take to reach Zero velocity based on force strength.
// Calculate Direction we need to apply the force to rotate toward the target direction. Note that if we are at perfect opposites, this will be zero!
float AngleSign = Sign(DotProduct(RightVector, DirectionVector));
float Torque.Z = 0;
if (Time1 < Time2)
Torque.Z = AngleSign * Force;
Torque.Z = AngleSign * Force * -1.0f
// Torque is applied to object as a change in acceleration (no mass) and modified by DeltaSeconds for frame-rate independent force.
从“计算方向”行开始,您可以直接在3D中计算校正扭矩 vector ,然后如果知道先前的校正将要过冲,则可以修改其符号:
// Calculate Direction we need to apply the force to rotate toward the target direction
Torque = CrossProduct(DirectionVector, ForwardVector)
Torque = Normalize(Torque) * Force
if (Time2 < Time1)
Torque = -Torque
// Calculate Direction we need to apply the force to rotate toward the target direction
Torque = CrossProduct(DirectionVector, ForwardVector)
if (Angle < 0.1 degrees)
// Avoid divide by zero in Normalize
Torque = {0, 0, 0}
// Handle case of exactly opposite direction (where CrossProduct is zero)
if (Angle > 179.9 degrees)
Torque = {0, 0, 1}
Torque = Normalize(Torque) * Force
if (Time2 < Time1)
Torque = -Torque
关于c++ - 计算以恒定加速度对齐两个3D vector 所需的扭矩?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33648662/