我最近对A *搜索算法感到不满。我曾经尝试过,但没有成功,但是这次我取得了一定的成功。它总是找到一条路径,除非它不能(显然),并且通常接近最短的路径。其他时候,它的作用确实很棘手,因为它加了太多次,呈锯齿状,随机向错误的方向移动。真奇怪截图here.


int manhattan( Coord a, Coord b )

    int x = abs(b.x-a.x);
    int y = abs(b.y-a.y);
    return x+y;


std::vector<Coord> AStar( std::vector< std::vector< int > > grid, Point start, Point end )

    //The current 'focal' point.
    Point *cur;

    //The open and closed lists.
    std::vector< Point* > closed;
    std::vector< Point* > open;

    //Start by adding the starting position to the list.
    open.push_back( &start );

    //Just so it knows whether or not to try and reconstruct a path.
    bool error = true;

    while( open.size() > 0 )

        //The current point is the first entry in the open list.
        cur = open.at(0);

        if( cur->getPos() == end.getPos() )

            error = false;


        //Add in all the neighbors of the current point.
        for( int y = -1; y <= 1; y++ )

            for( int x = -1; x <= 1; x++ )

                int curX = cur->getPos().x+x;
                int curY = cur->getPos().y+y;

                int movCost = 10;

                //If it is a diagonal, make it cost 14 instead of 10.
                if( (y == -1 && x == -1)||
                    (y ==  1 && x == -1)||
                    (y == -1 && x ==  1)||
                    (y ==  1 && x ==  1))

                    movCost = 14;


                Coord temp( curX, curY );
                bool make = true;

                //If it is outside the range of the map, continue.
                if( curY >= grid.size() ||
                    curX >= grid.size() )



                These two loops are to check whether or not the point's neighbors already exist.
                This feels really sloppy to me. Please tell me if there is a better way.

                for( int i = 0; i < open.size(); i++ )

                    if( temp == open.at(i)->getPos() )

                        make = false;



                for( int i = 0; i < closed.size(); i++ )

                    if( temp == closed.at(i)->getPos() )

                        make = false;



                //If the point in the map is a zero, then it is a wall. Continue.
                if( (grid.at(temp.x).at(temp.y) == 0 ) ||
                    ( temp.x<0 || temp.y < 0 ) )



                //If it is allowed to make a new point, it adds it to the open list.
                if( make )

                    int gScore = manhattan( start.getPos(), Coord( curX, curY ) );
                    int hScore = manhattan( end.getPos(), Coord( curX, curY ) );
                    int tileCost = grid[curX][curY];
                    int fScore = gScore+hScore+tileCost;

                    open.push_back( new Point( curX, curY, fScore, cur ) );




        //It then pushes back the current into the closed set as well as erasing it from the open set.
        closed.push_back( cur );
        open.erase( open.begin() );

        //Heapsort works, guranteed. Not sure if it's a stable sort, though. From what I can tell that shouldn't matter, though.
        open = heapsort( open );


    std::vector<Coord> path;

    if( error )

        return path;


    //Reconstruct a path by tracing through the parents.
    while( cur->getParent() != nullptr )

        path.push_back( cur->getPos() );
        cur = cur->getParent();


    path.push_back( cur->getPos() );

    return path;


无论如何!感谢您提前提供的帮助!如果您想给我一些有用的提示或任何其他很棒的帮助!非常感谢! :^)



            int movCost = 10;

            //If it is a diagonal, make it cost 14 instead of 10.
            if( (y == -1 && x == -1)||
                (y ==  1 && x == -1)||
                (y == -1 && x ==  1)||
                (y ==  1 && x ==  1))

                movCost = 14;



                int gScore = manhattan( start.getPos(), Coord( curX, curY ) );
                int hScore = manhattan( end.getPos(), Coord( curX, curY ) );
                int tileCost = grid[curX][curY];
                int fScore = gScore+hScore+tileCost;


c&#43;&#43; - A *寻路问题。编译但行为异常-LMLPHP

顺便说一句,您的代码中还有另一个逻辑错误:在A *中,g成本应计算为从起点到当前节点的实际成本,而不是像使用manhattan()函数那样估算。您应该在打开和关闭集中节省成本以及积分。


关于c++ - A *寻路问题。编译但行为异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33248410/

10-11 23:23