
data GameState = GameState {
  gameTurn :: Int,            -- | Everyone sees
  gamePhase :: GamePhase,     -- | this
  boardState :: BoardState,   -- | stuff
  -- a lot more stuff everyone can see, followed by
  usHand :: [Card],
  ussrHand :: [Card]


data GameState = GameState {
  -- public stuff
  usHand :: [Card],
  ussrHand :: Int


{-# LANGUAGE  TypeFamilies, RankNTypes #-}
module Test where

data Card = Card
data BoardState = BoardState
data GamePhase = GamePhase
data Country
data Player = PUS | PUSSR

data US
data USSR
data Observer
data Server

data Private = Private Int
data Public = Public [Card]

class HandType a where
  type USHand   a :: *
  type USSRHand a :: *
  toUS :: Public -> USHand a
--   toUSSR :: Public -> USSRHand a -- TODO

instance HandType Server where
  type USHand Server = Public
  type USSRHand Server = Public
  toUS (Public cs) = Public cs

instance HandType US where
  type USHand US = Public
  type USSRHand US = Private
  toUS (Public cs) = Public cs

instance HandType USSR where
  type USHand USSR = Private
  type USSRHand USSR = Public
  toUS (Public cs) = Private (length cs)

instance HandType Observer where
  type USHand Observer = Private
  type USSRHand Observer = Private
  toUS (Public cs) = Private (length cs)

data GameState a = GameState {
  gameTurn :: Int,            -- | Everyone sees
  gamePhase :: GamePhase,     -- | this
  boardState :: BoardState,   -- | stuff

  usHand :: USHand a,
  ussrHand :: USSRHand a

data Event a =
    PlaceInfluence Player Int Country -- | Most plays don't affect
  | PlayCard Player Card              -- | either hand
  | DealCards (USHand a) (USSRHand a) -- | This one does

-- Works
obsEvents :: [Event US]
obsEvents = [PlayCard PUS Card, PlayCard PUSSR Card, DealCards (Public [Card]) (Private 3)]

-- Works
serverEvents :: [Event Server]
serverEvents = [PlayCard PUS Card, PlayCard PUSSR Card, DealCards (Public [Card, Card]) (Public [Card])]

-- The server must send out the gamestate modified for the player's consumption.
-- serverToPlayerGS :: GameState Server -> GameState a
serverToPlayerGS (GameState turn phase bs us ussr) =
  GameState turn phase bs (toUS us) undefined -- | <- Doesn't work (line 75)

-- serverToPlayerEvent :: Event Server -> Event a
serverToPlayerEvent (PlaceInfluence p amt c) = PlaceInfluence p amt c
serverToPlayerEvent (PlayCard p c) = PlayCard p c
serverToPlayerEvent (DealCards us ussr) =
  DealCards (toUS us) undefined -- | <- Doesn't work (line 78)


Couldn't match expected type ‘USHand a’
            with actual type ‘USHand a0’
NB: ‘USHand’ is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
Relevant bindings include
  serverToPlayerGS :: GameState Server -> GameState a
    (bound at src/Test4.hs:74:1)
In the fourth argument of ‘GameState’, namely ‘(toUS us)’
In the expression: GameState turn phase bs (toUS us) undefined


Could not deduce (USHand a0 ~ USHand a1)
from the context (HandType a1,
                  USHand a1 ~ USHand a,
                  USHand t ~ Public)
  bound by the inferred type for ‘serverToPlayerGS’:
             (HandType a1, USHand a1 ~ USHand a, USHand t ~ Public) =>
             GameState t -> GameState a
  at src/Test4.hs:(74,1)-(75,45)
NB: ‘USHand’ is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
Expected type: USHand a
  Actual type: USHand a0
When checking that ‘serverToPlayerGS’ has the inferred type
  serverToPlayerGS :: forall t a a1.
                      (HandType a1, USHand a1 ~ USHand a, USHand t ~ Public) =>
                      GameState t -> GameState a
Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous



问题是您的类型族不是内射性的:例如知道USHand aPrivate并不能告诉您确切的a是什么:它可能是USSR但也可能是Observer,因为两者实例声明:

type USHand USSR = Private
type USHand Observer = Private

由于函数toUS的类型为Public -> USHand a,因此必须以某种方式猜测a,而我们发现这是不可能的。


data Proxy a = Proxy

如果您具有Haskell无法为其猜测f :: F a的函数a,则可以将其转换为f :: Proxy a -> F a,以便能够在调用站点上指定要编写的a含义。如果希望f (Proxy :: Proxy Int)a,则为实例Int


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Proxy

然后将toUS的类型从Public -> USHand a更改为:

toUS :: Proxy a -> Public -> USHand a


serverToPlayerGS :: forall a. HandType a => GameState Server -> GameState a
serverToPlayerGS (GameState turn phase bs us ussr) =
  GameState turn phase bs (toUS (Proxy :: Proxy a) us) undefined

关于haskell - 类型族导致模棱两可的变量错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36268734/

10-11 22:34