我正在尝试(使用Criterion)对使用递归数据类型的函数进行基准测试。我找到了一个similar question,答案是我无法申请此案。对于非递归数据类型,以下工作:
data ExampleDataType1 a =
ValueConst1 String String String String
| ValueConst2 String String
| ValueConst3 a
| ValueConst4 String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance DeepSeq.NFData a => DeepSeq.NFData (ExampleDataType1 a) where
rnf (ValueConst1 c1 c2 c3 c4) = DeepSeq.rnf c1 `seq` DeepSeq.rnf c2 `seq` DeepSeq.rnf c3 `seq` DeepSeq.rnf c4
rnf (ValueConst2 c1 c2) = DeepSeq.rnf c1 `seq` DeepSeq.rnf c2
rnf (ValueConst3 c1) = DeepSeq.rnf c1
rnf (ValueConst4 c2) = DeepSeq.rnf c2
infixl 6 :+: -- Addition
infixl 7 :*: -- Multiplication
data ExampleDataType2 a =
ValueConst5 (ExampleDataType2 a)
| a :*: String
| (ExampleDataType2 a) :+: (ExampleDataType2 a)
| ValueConst6 String a
| ValueConst7 String a
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type MapExample a b = Map.Map String (Either (ExampleDataType1 a) (ExampleDataType2 b))
data ExampleDataType3 a b = ExampleDataType3 {
start :: String,
mapList :: [MapExample a b]
} deriving Show
instance DeepSeq.NFData a => DeepSeq.NFData (ExampleDataType1 a) where
rnf (ValueConst1 c1 c2 c3 c4) = DeepSeq.rnf c1 `seq` DeepSeq.rnf c2 `seq` DeepSeq.rnf c3 `seq` DeepSeq.rnf c4
rnf (ValueConst2 c1 c2) = DeepSeq.rnf c1 `seq` DeepSeq.rnf c2
rnf (ValueConst3 c1) = DeepSeq.rnf c1
rnf (ValueConst4 c2) = DeepSeq.rnf c2
instance DeepSeq.NFData b => DeepSeq.NFData (ExampleDataType2 b) where
rnf (ValueConst5 c1) = DeepSeq.rnf c1
rnf (val1 :+: val2) = DeepSeq.rnf val1 `seq` DeepSeq.rnf val2
rnf (val :*: str) = DeepSeq.rnf val `seq` DeepSeq.rnf str
rnf (ValueConst6 str val) = DeepSeq.rnf str `seq` DeepSeq.rnf val
rnf (ValueConst7 str val) = DeepSeq.rnf str `seq` DeepSeq.rnf val
instance (DeepSeq.NFData a, DeepSeq.NFData b) => DeepSeq.NFData (ExampleDataType3 a b) where
rnf (ExampleDataType3 s lst) = DeepSeq.rnf s `seq` DeepSeq.rnf lst
函数时,会导致错误,该函数具有签名testFunction :: (Show a1, Integral a1, Num a2, Eq a2) => [[a1]] -> ExampleDataType3 a2 a1
:• Ambiguous type variable ‘a20’ arising from a use of ‘nf’
prevents the constraint ‘(Control.DeepSeq.NFData
a20)’ from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘a20’ should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance [safe] (Control.DeepSeq.NFData a,
Control.DeepSeq.NFData b) =>
Control.DeepSeq.NFData (Either a b)
-- Defined in ‘Control.DeepSeq’
instance (Control.DeepSeq.NFData k, Control.DeepSeq.NFData a) =>
Control.DeepSeq.NFData (Map.Map k a)
-- Defined in ‘Data.Map.Internal’
instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData a =>
Control.DeepSeq.NFData (Set.Set a)
-- Defined in ‘Data.Set.Internal’
...plus 20 others
...plus 150 instances involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
main = defaultMain [
bgroup "TestCases" [ bench "Case 1" $ nf testFunction [[1,0,1,1],[0,0,0,1],[1,1,1,0],[0,1,0,1]]
函数可以接受我的函数作为输入。因此,我想避免更改数据类型。 最佳答案
。就像是:nf (testFunction :: [[Int]] -> ExampleDataType3 Double Int) [[1,0,1,1],[0,0,0,1],[1,1,1,0],[0,1,0,1]]
我选择了Double类型;您可以选择其他类型。由于存在多个选项,因此GHC给出Ambiguous type variable