我有一个疑问。我可以知道ABAP中LIKELIKE LINE OF之间的区别是什么?我在某处看到的是在声明他们声明的工作区域时。

wa LIKE it_one
wa LIKE LINE OF it_one


LIKE LINE OF表示该变量将是表行类型。


TYPES: BEGIN OF t_my_example_structure,
    my_example_field1 TYPE i,
    my_example_field2 TYPE n,
  END OF t_my_example_structure.

TYPES tt_my_example_structure TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_my_example_structure.

DATA: l_tab_my_example TYPE tt_my_example_structure.

* has structure of row of l_tab_my_example so in this case t_my_example_structure.
DATA: l_str_my_example LIKE LINE OF l_tab_my_example.

* is exactly the same table type as l_tab_my_example so in this case tt_my_example_structure.
DATA: l_tab_like_my_example LIKE l_tab_my_example.

* I use it often for LOOP AT <tab> ASSIGNING <fs>.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_str_my_example> LIKE LINE OF l_tab_my_example.

关于abap - ABAP中的点赞行和点赞行有什么区别?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24925097/

10-15 11:01