function Player(username, lvl, exp, expNeeded, nextLevel, gold, hp, atk, def, spd) {
var self = this;
this.username = username;
this.lvl = lvl;
this.exp = exp;
this.nextLevel = nextLevel;
this.expNeeded = expNeeded; = gold;
this.fullLife = hp;
this.hp = hp;
this.atk = atk;
this.def = def;
this.spd = spd;
this.implement = function() {
$('#user').text(this.username).addClass('playerName').data('player', self)
$('#username').text("Username: " + this.username);
$('#lvl').text("Level: " + this.lvl);
$('#exp').text("Experience: " + this.exp);
$('#expNeeded').text("Experience Needed: " + this.expNeeded);
$('#gold').text("Gold: " +;
$('#hp').text("HP: " + this.fullLife);
$('#attack').text("Attack: " + this.atk);
$('#defense').text("Defense: " + this.def);
$('#speed').text("Speed: " + this.spd);
$('#nextLevel').text("Next Level: " + this.nextLevel);
var newPlayer = new Player(prompt("What is your username?"), 1, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 2, 1, 1);
playerEl = $('.playerName');
player ='player');
function Monster(name, exp, gold, hp, atk, def, spd) {
var self = this; = name;
this.exp = exp; = gold;
this.fullLife = hp;
this.hp = hp;
this.atk = atk;
this.def = def;
this.spd = spd;
// Method definition
this.implement = function() {
var monsterList = document.getElementById('monsterList');
var opt = document.createElement('OPTION'); // Creating option
opt.innerText =; // Setting innertText attribute
$(opt).data('monster', self)
monsterList.appendChild(opt); // appending option to select element
this.len =;
this.playerDamage = 0;
this.playerDam = function () {
if(player.atk <= this.def) {
self.playerDamage = player.atk - 1;
return self.playerDamage;
else {
self.playerDamage = Math.round((player.atk - self.def) * (2 - Math.random()));
return self.playerDamage;
this.monsterDamage = 0;
this.monsterDam = function() {
if(this.atk <= player.def) {
self.monsterDamage = monster.atk - 1;
return self.monsterDamage;
else {
self.monsterDamage = Math.round((self.atk - player.def) * (2 - Math.random()));
return self.monsterDamage;
// Method execution
var fly = new Monster("fly", 1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1);
var mouse = new Monster("mouse", 2, 3, 10, 2, 1, 2);
var rat = new Monster("rat", 4, 5, 20, 4, 2, 2);
var rabidChihuahua = new Monster("chihuahua", 6, 8, 35, 6, 1, 4);
var bulldog = new Monster("bulldog", 10, 14, 60, 10, 4, 1);
var wolf = new Monster("Wolf", 15, 18, 65, 12, 3, 6);
var vampie = new Monster("Vampire", 20, 23, 100, 12, 5, 4);
var werewolf = new Monster("Werewolf", 25, 29, 100, 14, 3, 9);
var giantSlime = new Monster("Giant Slime", 31, 38, 200, 7, 15, 1);
var babyDragon = new Monster("Baby Dragon", 39, 50, 150, 16, 9, 5);
var orc = new Monster("Orc", 50, 64, 220, 10, 12, 4);
var succubi = new Monster("Succubi", 61, 80, 190, 21, 8, 12);
var elderDragon = new Monster("Elder Dragon", 75, 100, 300, 21, 15, 8);
var sanaan = new Monster("Sanaan", 150, 500, 500, 55, 45, 30);
monsterEl = $('#monsterList option:selected');
monster ='monster');
$('#battleButton').click(function() {
var round = 0;
while(monster.hp > 0 && player.hp > 0 && round < 20) {
$('#monsterdam').append("</p>The " + $('#monsterList').val() + " has hit you for " + monster.monsterDam() + " damage</p>");
player.hp -= monster.monsterDam();
$('#dam').append("</p>You have hit the " + $('#monsterList').val() + " for " + monster.playerDam() + " damage</p>");
monster.hp -= monster.playerDam();
round +=1;
if(round >=20) {
$('#monsterdam').append("</p>The battle has timed out</p>");
$('#dam').append("</p>The battle has timed out</p>");
if(monster.hp <= 0){
$('#dam').append("<p>You have defeated the " + $('#monsterList').val() + ", you have received " + monster.exp + " experience and " + + " gold!</p>");
monster.hp = monster.fullLife;
player.hp = player.fullLife;
player.exp += monster.exp; +=;
player.nextLevel -= monster.exp;
if(player.exp >= player.expNeeded) {
if(player.hp <= 0){
$('#monsterdam').append("<p>The " + $('#monsterList').val() + " has defeated you!</p>");
monster.hp = monster.fullLife;
player.hp = player.fullLife;
var lvlUp = function() {
player.expNeeded += player.expNeeded + player.lvl * player.lvl;
player.nextLevel = player.expNeeded - player.exp;
player.fullLife += player.lvl * 5 + (2 * player.lvl);
player.lvl += 1;
player.atk += 1;
player.def += 1;
player.spd += 1;
if(monster.len > 8) {
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"font-size": "18px"
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<header id="stats">
<ul class="firstul">
<li id="username"></li>
<li id="lvl"></li>
<li id="exp"></li>
<li id="expNeeded"></li>
<li id="nextLevel"></li>
<li id="hp"></li>
<li id="attack"></li>
<li id="defense"></li>
<li id="speed"></li>
<li id="gold"></li>
<li id="items">Items: </li>
<header id="nav">
<h1 id="user"></h1>
<a href="#"><li class="first">Home</li></a>
<a href="#"><li>Battle</li></a>
<a href="#"><li>Profile</li></a>
<a href="#"><li>Inventory</li></a>
<a href="#"><li>Help</li></a>
<select id="monsterList"></select>
<button id="battleButton">Battle</button>
<div id="dam"></div>
<div id="monsterdam"></div>
<script src="game.js"></script>
if(monster.len > 8) {
"font-size": "12px"
else {
"font-size": "18px"
只需浏览一下代码,就好像您没有绑定(bind)到所选的任何更改事件。 if语句仅在页面加载时运行一次,检查长度,这可能不是您想要的长度。您需要绑定(bind)以进行更改,检查选定怪物的长度,然后对其进行操作。