



B)我不知道如何打印对象,当我现在打印时,我得到的是作业。FootballClub@ 49233bdc,我确定是有原因的,但是我需要对象中的信息才能显示,例如名称。如果可能的话,按照名称的字母顺序对结果进行排序?我希望一切都OK。对不起,谢谢你。

   package coursework;
    import java.util.*;

     * @author w1469384
    public class PremierLeagueManager implements LeagueManager{
        public static void main(String[] args) {
           Scanner c1 = new Scanner(System.in);
           Scanner c2 = new Scanner(System.in);
           ArrayList<FootballClub> PL = new ArrayList<FootballClub>();
           int choice;
           System.out.println("Enter 1; To create a club, 2; To Delete a Club, 3; To display all clubs and 99 to close the program");
           choice = c1.nextInt();
        //Creates and adds a new FootballClub Object

           while (choice != 99){
           if (choice == 1){
               System.out.println("Please Enter The games played for the club");
               int played = c1.nextInt();
               System.out.println("Please enter the number of wins");
               int wins = c1.nextInt();
               System.out.println("please enter the number of losses");
               int losses = c1.nextInt();
               System.out.println("please enter the number of draws");
               int draws = c1.nextInt();
               System.out.println("please enter the number of goals for");
               int goalsFor = c1.nextInt();
               System.out.println("please enter the number of goals against");
               int goalsAgainst = c1.nextInt();
               FootballClub club = new FootballClub(played, wins, losses, draws, goalsFor, goalsAgainst);
        //Deletes a FootballClub Object
           if (choice == 2){

        //Displays all Football Clubs in the PremierLeague array
           if (choice == 3){

        //Closes the Program  1

           choice = c1.nextInt();


    public abstract class SportsClub {
      public String name;
      public String location;
      public int capacity;

      public void setName(String Name){
          name = Name;

      public void setLocation(String Location){
          location = Location;

      public void setCapacity(int Capacity){
          capacity = Capacity;

      public String getName(){
      return name;

      public String getLocation(){
          return location;

      public int getCapacity(){
          return capacity;

    public class FootballClub extends SportsClub {
        //Statistics for the club.
        int played;
        int wins;
        int losses;
        int draws;
        int goalsFor;
        int goalsAgainst;

        public FootballClub(int gPlayed, int gWins, int gLosses, int gDraws, int gFor, int gAgainst){
            played = gPlayed;
            wins = gWins;
            losses = gLosses;
            draws = gDraws;
            goalsFor = gFor;
            goalsAgainst = gAgainst;

    public void setPlayed(int newPlayed){
        played = newPlayed;

    public void setWins(int newWins){
        wins = newWins;

    public void setLosses(int newLosses){
        losses = newLosses;

    public void setDraws(int newDraws){
        draws =  newDraws;

    public void setGoalsFor(int newGoalsFor){
        goalsFor = newGoalsFor;

    public void setGoalsAgainst(int newGoalsAgainst){
        goalsAgainst = newGoalsAgainst;

    public int getPlayed(){
        return played;

    public int getWins(){
        return wins;

    public int getLosses(){
        return losses;

    public int getDraws(){
        return draws;

    public int getGoalsFor(){
        return goalsFor;

    public int getGoalsAgainst(){
        return goalsAgainst;




public FootballClub(
    int gPlayed, int gWins, int gLosses, int gDraws, int gFor, int gAgainst,
    String inName, String inLocation, int inCapacity
) {
    played = gPlayed;
    wins = gWins;
    losses = gLosses;
    draws = gDraws;
    goalsFor = gFor;
    goalsAgainst = gAgainst;

    // set the variables from the superclass
    name = inName;
    location = inLocation;
    capacity = inCapacity;



// in SportsClub
protected SportsClub(
    String inName, String inLocation, int inCapacity
) {
    name = inName;
    location = inLocation;
    capacity = inCapacity;

// in FootballClub
public FootballClub(
    int gPlayed, int gWins, int gLosses, int gDraws, int gFor, int gAgainst,
    String inName, String inLocation, int inCapacity
) {
    super(inName, inLocation, inCapacity);

    played = gPlayed;
    wins = gWins;
    losses = gLosses;
    draws = gDraws;
    goalsFor = gFor;
    goalsAgainst = gAgainst;

如果您使用的是setter和getter,则还应将成员变量设置为protected or private





public void setName(String Name) { name = Name; }


public void setName(String inName) { name = inName; }


public void setName(String name){ this.name = name; }

09-10 01:21