我在 PHP 中有一个嵌套数组:

array (
'0' => "+5x",
'1' => array (
       '0' => "+",
       '1' => "(",
       '2' => "+3",
       '3' => array (
              '0' => "+",
              '1' => "(",
              '2' => array ( // I want to find this one.
                  '0' => "+",
                  '1' => "(",
                  '2' => "+5",
                  '3' => "-3",
                  '4' => ")"
              '3' => "-3",
              '4' => ")"
       '4' => ")"


我已经考虑过做(写成一个想法,而不是正确的 PHP):
foreach ($array as $id => $value) {
    if ($value is array) {
        $name = $id;
        foreach ($array[$id] as $id_2 => $value_2) {
            if ($value_2 is array) {
                $name .= "." . $id_2;
                foreach ($array[$id][$id_2] as $id_3 => $value_3) {
                    if ($value_3 is array) {
                        $name .= "." . $id_3;
                        foreach ($array[$id][$id_2][$id_3] as $id_4 => $value_4) {
                            if ($value_4 is array) {
                                $name .= "." . $id_4;
                                foreach [and so it goes on];
                            } else {
                                $listOfInnerArrays[] = $name;
                    } else {
                        $listOfInnerArrays[] = $name;
            } else {
                $listOfInnerArrays[] = $name;

所以它所做的是使 $name 成为数组中的当前键。如果该值是一个数组,则使用 foreach 将其放入其中并添加“.”。和数组的ID。所以我们将在示例数组中结束:
array (
    '0' => "1.3.2",


问题是我试图查找其内部数组的数组是动态的并且由用户输入组成。 (它在找到 + 或 - 的地方拆分输入字符串,如果它包含括号,则将其放入单独的嵌套数组中。因此,如果用户键入大量括号,则会有很多嵌套数组。)
因此,我需要使这种模式向下运行 20 次,但无论如何它仍然只能捕获 20 个嵌套数组。

有这个功能吗?或者有没有办法让它在没有我的长代码的情况下做到这一点?也许做一个循环来制作必要数量的 foreach 模式并通过 eval() 运行它?



在表达式树中,通过始终向左遍历或始终向右遍历可到达的节点。 “外部”总是相对于给定节点;一个节点可能相对于一个节点是“外部”,但相对于该节点的父节点是“内部”。


      /     \
     2       5
    / \     / \
   3   4   6   7
3 and 7 are always outer nodes. 6 is outer relative to 5, but inner relative to 1.


The difficulty here lies more in the uneven expression format than the nesting. If you use expression trees, the example 5x+3=(x+(3+(5-3))) equation would parse to:

    '=' => array(
        '+' => array( // 5x + 3
            '*' => array(
                5, 'x'
        '+' => array( // (x+(3+(5-3)))
            '+' => array( // (3+(5-3))
                '-' => array(
                    5, 3
)   )   )   )   )

请注意,二元运算的节点是二元的,一元运算会有一元节点。如果二元可交换操作的节点可以组合成 n 元节点,那么 5x+3=x+3+5-3 可以解析为:
    '=' => array(
        '+' => array( // 5x + 3
            '*' => array(
                5, 'x'
        '+' => array( // x+3+5-3
            '-' => array(
                5, 3
)   )   )   )

然后,您将编写一个可以简化节点的后序递归函数。 “后序”是指节点处理发生在处理其子节点之后;还有预序(在其子节点之前处理节点)和有序(在节点之前处理一些子节点,其余的在节点之后)。下面是一个粗略的概述。其中,“thing : Type”表示“thing”的类型为“Type”,“&”表示传递引用。
simplify_expr(expression : Expression&, operation : Token) : Expression {
    if (is_array(expression)) {
        foreach expression as key => child {
            Replace child with simplify_expr(child, key);
                key will also need to be replaced if new child is a constant
                and old was not.
        return simplify_node(expression, operation);
    } else {
        return expression;

simplify_node(expression : Expression&, operation : Token) : Expression;

在某种程度上,真正的挑战是编写 simplify_node 。它可以在表达式节点上执行许多操作:
  • 如果一个内部孙子与另一个 child 的常量性不匹配但它的 sibling 匹配,则交换 sibling 。换句话说,使奇数输出成为外部节点。这一步是为下一步做准备。
        +            +                +            +
       / \          / \              / \          / \
      \+   2  --->  +   2            +   y  --->  +   y
     / \          / \              / \          / \
    1   x        x   1            x   1        1   x
  • If a node and a child are the same commutative operation, the nodes could be rearranged. For example, there's rotation:

        +            +
       / \          / \
      \+   c  --->  a   +
     / \              / \
    a   b            b   c

    This corresponds to changing "(a+b)+c" to "a+(b+c)". You'll want to rotate when "a" doesn't match the constness of "b" and "c". It allows the next transformation to be applied to the tree. For example, this step would convert "(x+3)+1" to "x+(3+1)", so the next step could then convert it to "x+4".

    The overall goal is to make a tree with const children as siblings. If a commutative node has two const descendants, they can be rotated next to each other. If a node has only one const descendent, make it a child so that a node further up in the hierarchy can potentially combine the const node with another of the ancestor's const children (i.e. const nodes float up until they're siblings, at which point they combine like bubbles in soda).

  • If all children are constant, evaluate the node and replace it with the result.
  • Handling nodes with more than one compound child and n-ary nodes left as exercises for the reader.

    Object-Oriented Alternative

    An OO approach (using objects rather than arrays to build expression trees) would have a number of advantages. Operations would be more closely associated with nodes, for one; they'd be a property of a node object, rather than as the node key. It would also be easier to associate ancillary data with expression nodes, which would be useful for optimizations. You probably wouldn't need to get too deep into the OOP paradigm to implement this. The following simple type hierarchy could be made to work:

                      /          \
            SimpleExpr            CompoundExpr
            /        \
    ConstantExpr    VariableExpr

    Existing free functions that manipulate trees would become methods. The interfaces could look something like the following pseudocode. In it:

    • Child < Parent means "Child" is a subclass of "Parent".
    • Properties (such as isConstant) can be methods or fields; in PHP, you can implement this using overloading.
    • (...){...} indicate functions, with the parameters between parentheses and the body between brackets (much like function (...){...} in Javascript). This syntax is used for properties that are methods. Plain methods simply use brackets for the method body.

    Now for the sample:

    Expression {
    SimpleExpr < Expression {
        /* simplify() returns an expression so that an expression of one type can
           be replaced with an expression of another type. An alternative is
           to use the envelope/letter pattern:
        simplify():Expression { return this }
    ConstantExpr < SimpleExpr {
        isConstant:Boolean = true
    VariableExpr < SimpleExpr {
        isConstant:Boolean = false
    CompoundExpr < Expression {
        isConstant:Boolean = (){
            for each child in this.children:
                if not child.isConstant, return false
            return true
        simplify():Expression {
            for each child& in this.children {
                child = child.simplify()
            return this.simplify_node()
        simplify_node(): Expression {
            if this.isConstant {
                evaluate this, returning new ConstExpr
            } else {
                if one child is simple {
                    if this.commutesWith(compound child)
                       and one grand-child doesn't match the constness of the simple child
                       and the other grand-child matches the constness of the simple child
                        if (compound child.isCommutative):
                            make odd-man-out among grand-children the outer child
                        rotate so that grand-children are both const or not
                        if grand-children are const:
                            set compound child to compound child.simplify_node()
                } else {
            return this

    例如,SimpleExprConstantExpr 的 PHP 实现可以是:
    class SimpleExpr extends Expression {
        public $value;
        function __construct($value) {
            $this->value = $value;
        function simplify() {
            return $this;
    class ConstantExpr extends SimpleExpr {
        // Overloading
        function __get($name) {
            switch ($name) {
            case 'isConstant':
                return True;
    ConstantExpr 的另一种实现:
    function Expression {
        protected $_properties = array();
        // Overloading
        function __get($name) {
            if (isset($this->_properties[$name])) {
                return $this->_properties[$name];
            } else {
                // handle undefined property
    class ConstantExpr extends SimpleExpr {
        function __construct($value) {
            $this->_properties['isConstant'] = True;

    关于php - 在嵌套数组中查找内部数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8197469/

    10-10 16:12