A. First section with random name Article 1 Spam and eggs and some more Article 2 1. The first member 2. The second member 3. The final member B. Second section called whatever Article 3 This one has no members but it does contain subs a. item 1 b. item 2 Article 4 1. A member 2. A member with subs a. sub 1 here b. sub 2 here c. final sub C. Another section etc
I have the regexes to find the various list items, with line numbers (right now I am using a lexer, but that might be overkill, right?)
As I said, I need to make nested HTML lists, with an ID per list item. How would you, in your experience, represent the structure of the document?
As a series of tuples or dictionaries, with per item the ( id , line-number ):
list_section = ( ('A',1), ('B',8), ('C',18), ... )
list_article = ( ('1',2), ('2',4), ('3',9), ('4',13), ... )
list_member = ( ('2-1',5), ('2-2',6), ('2-3',7), ('4-1',14), ...)
(('SECTION','A',1 ,
('ARTICLE','2',4 ,
<div id="index">
<ol class="indexlist sections">
<li><a href="#listref_A">First section with random name</a><br>
Article 1 - 2</li>
<li><a href="#listref_B">Second section called whatever</a><br>
Artikel 3 - 4</li>
<li><a href="#listref_C">Another section</a><br>
Article 5</li>
<div id="content">
<ol class="sections">
<li id="listref_D"><h2></h2>
<ol class="articles">
<li id="listref_8">Article 8
<ol class="members">
<li id="listref_8-1">Member 1.</li>
<li id="listref_8-2">Member 2</li>
<li id="listref_8-3">Member 3</li>
<li id="listref_8-4">Member 4.</li>
<li id="listref_E">Section E
<ol class="articles">
<li id="listref_9">Article 9
<ol class="members">
<li id="listref_9-1">Member 1 has subs:
<ol class="subs">
<li id="listref_9-1-a">sub a;</li>
<li id="listref_9-1-b">sub b;</li>
<li id="listref_9-1-c">sub c.</li>
<li id="lijstref_9-2">Member 2, refers to <a href="#listref_8-2">article 8 sub 2</a>.</li>
尝试ANTLR Lexer/Parser组合。您所需要的只是生成lexer/basic解析器组合的正则表达式。它使用一种类似于BNF语法的策略,您可以很容易地定义要打印到控制台或文件的操作。它默认输出Java,但ANTLR 4也输出到C#。ANTLR 3可以输出更多的语言,比如Ruby。
// Define Tokens
WS : [ \t\r\n] ~> skip;
DOT : '.';
ARTICLE : 'Article';
fragment DIGIT : [0-9];
fragment ALPHA : [a-zA-Z];
AlphaString : ALPHA+;
Number : DIGIT+;
AlphaNumericString : (AlphaString | Number)+;
// Define Lexer and Parser Grammars
SectionTitle : AlphaString;
SectionHeader : SectionTitle DOT AlphaNumericString;
ArticleHeader : ARTICLE Number;
MemberTitle : Number;
MemberHeader : MemberTitle DOT AlphaNumericString;
submember : /*Code to define submember*/;
member : MemberHeader submember+;
article : ArticleHeader (member | AlphaNumericString)+;
section : SectionHeader
(article | AlphaNumericString)+;
显然,这不是一个全面的语法,但它显示了基本的。一个好的参考是ANTLR 4 Documentation Wiki和ANTLR 4: The Defenitive Guide。这些演示了如何执行这些语法以及如何在其中嵌入操作。它们都是小项目或大项目的好向导。后者的第2章和第3章以简单的方式展示了您需要的基础知识,并给出了一些很好的例子。