
def distancesplit(self):
  img = np.asarray(Image.open("testtwo.tif").convert('L'))
  img = 1 * (img < 127)
  area = (img == 0).sum()
  areasplit = np.split(img, 24) # splitting an image array into 24
  print areasplit
for i in areasplit: # compute white pixel area in splitted parts-arrays
  result = (i == 0).sum()
  print result
for i in areasplit: #converting 2D array inro 1D
  b = i.ravel()
# Now I need o select from "b" 1D array the subarrays  with minimal and maximal number of white pixels. I need it for distance metrics between these subarrays. Thank you.



关于opencv - 如何从一维子阵列中选择白色像素最少和最大的子阵列?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18332857/

10-11 22:30