

0(状态)| 1 | 2 | 3 |




=IF(AR1="";"";TEXT(AR1;"mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm"))&"->"&AS1





function onChange(e) {

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var row = sheet.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
 var actionCol = 17;
 var mailactionCol = 15;
 var nr_id = 12
   var sourceRange = sheet.getRange(row, actionCol).getValue();
   var mailSourceRange = sheet.getRange(row, mailactionCol).getValue();
   var nr_idRange = sheet.getRange(row, nr_id).getValue();

    //check name of sheets
    var sheetName = sheet.getName()
    if(sheetName != "My_name_sheet"){
       return                            //exit function

   var currentCOL = sheet.getActiveRange().getColumnIndex();


/// case is column 15
   case 15:
   //currentCOL = 15
       if(mailSourceRange == "" && nr_idRange >0) {return}
       if(mailSourceRange !== "" && nr_idRange =="")
      var msr = sheet.getRange(1, 52);
      var mtr = sheet.getRange(row,12);
      msr.copyTo(mtr, {contentsOnly:true});

  //case 17 - case is column 17

  case 17:

       var sourceRange1_17 = sheet.getRange(row, 17);
       var sourceRange1_19 = sheet.getRange(row, 19).getValue();
       var sourceRange1_20 = sheet.getRange(row, 20).getValue();

       var targetRange1_18 = sheet.getRange(row, 18);
       var targetRange1_19 = sheet.getRange(row, 19);
       var targetRange1_17 = sheet.getRange(row, 17);
       var targetRange1_20 = sheet.getRange(row, 20);
       var targetRange1_21 = sheet.getRange(row, 21);

     if(sourceRange != "wordInMyCell") {return} {
     if(sourceRange1_20 == "wordInMyCell") {return}
     // if(sheet.getRange(row, 20).getValue() == "wordInMyCell") {return}

         sourceRange1_17.copyTo(targetRange1_20, {contentsOnly:true});
         targetRange1_19.setValue(new Date()).setNumberFormat('M/d/yyyy H:mm:ss');

//// 1 not working those method to paste date-time

          targetRange1_19,copyTo(sheet.targetRange1_21, {contentsOnly: true});

          sheet.getRange(row, 19).copyTo(sheet.getRange(row, 21),
           SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES, false);

/// 2 try to add formula to paste on cell not as current row but form recorder
///    In recorder its works but when i add here to my code it doesn't.

          //       sheet.getRange(row, 18).setFormulaR1C1('=CONCATENATE(U2&"
                    ";X2&" ";AA2&" ";AD2&" ";AG2&" ";AJ2)');

          var ss2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
          var sheet2 = ss2.getSheets()[0];
            var cell2 = sheet2.getRange("U2");
            cell2.setFormula('=IF(V2="";"";W2&TEXT(V2;"mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm"))');





只需将状态值和日期与“ +”连接即可实现状态值和日期的串联。实际上,我添加了分号以更好地区分状态和日期。


function onEdit(e) {
  // 5731586703

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheetname = "MAIN";
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);

  // get a list of the event objects
  // Logger.log(JSON.stringify(e));

  // get the event source data
  var editedCell = e.range;
  var editRow = editedCell.getRow();
  var editCol = editedCell.getColumn();
  var eValue = e.value;
  var editedSheet = editedCell.getSheet().getName();
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: the cell = "+editedCell.getA1Notation()+", the column = "+editCol+", the row is "+editRow+", the value is "+eValue+", the edited sheet is "+editedSheet);

  // create some variables for column and row range
  var statusColumn = 17; // Column Q
  var minstatusRow = 2; // row 2

  // test for a change in column Q, row 2 and higher on Sheet MAIN
  if (editedSheet === sheetname && statusColumn === editCol && editRow>=minstatusRow && eValue.length !=0 ){

    // set the range and value for Column R - ALL_status_history
    var historyrange = sheet.getRange(e.range.rowStart,e.range.columnStart).offset(0,1);
    var historyvalue = historyrange.getValue();
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: The history range = "+historyrange.getA1Notation()+", value = "+historyvalue+", length = "+historyvalue.length);

    // get the modified value of the STATUS cell from the event object
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: The Status  value = "+e.value);

    // get the date of the change
    var changeDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(),  "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm") ;
    //Logger.log("DEBUG: The change date is "+changeDate);

    // build the value of the modified status and the change date
    var statusHistory = e.value+" "+changeDate;
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: the statusHistory is "+statusHistory);

    // if historyvalue is blank
    if (historyvalue.length !=0){
      // there's already some history so insert a blank line
      //Logger.log("DEBUG: there's existing history - insert a line");
      var newhistory = historyvalue+"\n"+statusHistory;
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: the new status history = "+newhistory)
      // this is the first entry
      Logger.log("DEBUG: there's no existing history just insert data");
      var newhistory = statusHistory;
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: the new status history = "+newhistory)

    // Update the status history

  // the edited cell wasn't in row2 or higher in Column Q
  // do nothing



javascript - 在1个像元中合并为值(格式为yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm的文本和日期时间)-LMLPHP




var statusExist = historyvalue.indexOf(eValue);
这使用javascript“ String” indexOf()方法,该方法“返回指定值首次出现的调用String对象内的索引...如果找不到该值,则返回-1。” Ref
if (statusExist !=-1){
如果该方法返回-1,则表示之前未使用过状态代码;其他任何值表示在“ ALL_status_history”字段中找到了状态代码。

function onEdit(e) {
  // 5731586704

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheetname = "MAIN";
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);

  // get a list of the event objects
  // Logger.log(JSON.stringify(e));

  // get the event source data
  var editedCell = e.range;
  var editRow = editedCell.getRow();
  var editCol = editedCell.getColumn();
  var eValue = e.value;
  var editedSheet = editedCell.getSheet().getName();
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: the cell = "+editedCell.getA1Notation()+", the column = "+editCol+", the row is "+editRow+", the value is "+eValue+", the edited sheet is "+editedSheet);

  // create some variables for column and row range
  var statusColumn = 17; // Column Q
  var minstatusRow = 2; // row 2

  // test for a change in column Q, row 2 and higher on Sheet MAIN
  if (editedSheet === sheetname && statusColumn === editCol && editRow>=minstatusRow && eValue.length !=0 ){

    // set the range and value for Column R - ALL_status_history
    var historyrange = sheet.getRange(e.range.rowStart,e.range.columnStart).offset(0,1);
    var historyvalue = historyrange.getValue();
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: The history range = "+historyrange.getA1Notation()+", value = "+historyvalue+", length = "+historyvalue.length);

    // test for an existing Status code in the historyvalue
    var statusExist = historyvalue.indexOf(eValue);
    //Logger.log("DEBUG: The status code: " + eValue + " returned " + statusExist); // if -1 = does not exist, any other value = does not exist

    if (statusExist !=-1){
      // do nothing, the statusCode already exists
      Logger.log("DEBUG: do nothing, the Status Code:"+eValue+" has already been used");
      Logger.log("DEBUG: the Status Code:"+eValue+" hasn't been registered yet, so proceed");
      // the status code hasn't been registered yet, so proceed

      // get the modified value of the STATUS cell from the event object
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: The Status  value = "+e.value);

      // get the date of the change
      var changeDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(),  "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm") ;
      //Logger.log("DEBUG: The change date is "+changeDate);

      // build the value of the modified status and the change date
      var statusHistory = e.value+" "+changeDate;
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: the statusHistory is "+statusHistory);

      // if historyvalue is blank
      if (historyvalue.length !=0){
        // there's already some history so insert a blank line
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there's existing history - insert a line");
        var newhistory = historyvalue+"\n"+statusHistory;
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: the new status history = "+newhistory)
        // this is the first entry
        Logger.log("DEBUG: there's no existing history just insert data");
        var newhistory = statusHistory;
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: the new status history = "+newhistory)

      // Update the status history


  // the edited cell wasn't in row2 or higher in Column Q
  // do nothing




前5和6行-(var sheetnamegetSheetByName)已删除。
在第27至43行插入SWITCH。-在“ CASE”名称有效的情况下分配var sheetname;易于添加/删除/编辑有效名称。

function onEdit(e) {
  // 5731586706
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

  // get a list of the event objects
  // Logger.log(JSON.stringify(e));

  // get the event source data
  var editedCell = e.range;
  var editRow = editedCell.getRow();
  var editCol = editedCell.getColumn();
  var eValue = e.value;
  var editedSheet = editedCell.getSheet().getName();
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: the cell = "+editedCell.getA1Notation()+", the column = "+editCol+", the row is "+editRow+", the value is "+eValue+", the edited sheet is "+editedSheet);

  // create some variables for column and row range
  var statusColumn = 17; // Column Q
  var minstatusRow = 2; // row 2

  switch (editedSheet) {
    case "MAIN":
      var sheetname = "MAIN";
    case "AAA":
      var sheetname = "AAA";
    case "BBB":
      var sheetname = "BBB";
    case "CCC":
     var sheetname = "CCC";
      var sheetname = "";

  if (sheetname.length !=0){
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: the name of the edited sheet = "+sheetname);
    var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: the name of the edited sheet was not on the list");

  // test for a change in column Q, row 2 and higher on a valid sheet
  if (editedSheet === sheetname && statusColumn === editCol && editRow>=minstatusRow && eValue.length !=0 ){

    // set the range and value for Column R - ALL_status_history
    var historyrange = sheet.getRange(e.range.rowStart,e.range.columnStart).offset(0,1);
    var historyvalue = historyrange.getValue();
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: The history range = "+historyrange.getA1Notation()+", value = "+historyvalue+", length = "+historyvalue.length);

    // test for an existing Status code in the historyvalue
    var statusExist = historyvalue.indexOf(eValue);
    //Logger.log("DEBUG: The status code: " + eValue + " returned " + statusExist); // if -1 = does not exist, any other value = does not exist

    if (statusExist !=-1){
      // do nothing, the statusCode already exists
      Logger.log("DEBUG: do nothing, the Status Code:"+eValue+" has already been used");
      Logger.log("DEBUG: the Status Code:"+eValue+" hasn't been registered yet, so proceed");
      // the status code hasn't been registered yet, so proceed

      // get the modified value of the STATUS cell from the event object
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: The Status  value = "+e.value);

      // get the date of the change
      var changeDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(),  "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm") ;
      //Logger.log("DEBUG: The change date is "+changeDate);

      // build the value of the modified status and the change date
      var statusHistory = e.value+" "+changeDate;
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: the statusHistory is "+statusHistory);

      // if historyvalue is blank
      if (historyvalue.length !=0){
        // there's already some history so insert a blank line
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there's existing history - insert a line");
        var newhistory = historyvalue+"\n"+statusHistory;
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: the new status history = "+newhistory)
        // this is the first entry
        Logger.log("DEBUG: there's no existing history just insert data");
        var newhistory = statusHistory;
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: the new status history = "+newhistory)
      // Update the status history
  // the edited cell wasn't in row2 or higher in Column Q
  // do nothing

关于javascript - 在1个像元中合并为值(格式为yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm的文本和日期时间),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57315867/

10-12 00:31