func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "tableViewCell", for: indexPath) as! TableViewCell
var imgTitle = ""
var color = UIColor()
let title = fetchedUV[indexPath.row].value
if title > 11 {
imgTitle = "flame"
color = UIColor.purple
cell.setGradientBackground(colorOne: .white, colorTwo: color)
} else if title >= 8 {
imgTitle = "sun-protection"
color = UIColor.red
cell.setGradientBackground(colorOne: .white, colorTwo: color)
} else if title >= 6 {
imgTitle = "sunbed"
color = UIColor.orange
cell.setGradientBackground(colorOne: .white, colorTwo: color)
} else if title >= 3 {
imgTitle = "sunglasses"
color = UIColor.yellow
cell.setGradientBackground(colorOne: .white, colorTwo: color)
} else {
imgTitle = "ok"
color = UIColor.green
cell.setGradientBackground(colorOne: .white, colorTwo: color)
let UVValue = String(describing: title)
cell.backgroundColor = UIColor.orange
cell.commonInit(imgTitle, title: UVValue, time: fetchedUV[indexPath.row].dateIso)
cell.logoImage.layer.cornerRadius = (cell.frame.height) / 2
cell.layer.cornerRadius = cell.frame.height/2
cell.layer.masksToBounds = true
//cell.setGradientBackground(colorOne: .white, colorTwo: color)
return cell
extension UIView {
func setGradientBackground(colorOne: UIColor, colorTwo: UIColor) {
let gradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
gradientLayer.frame = bounds
gradientLayer.colors = [colorOne.cgColor, colorTwo.cgColor]
gradientLayer.locations = [0.0, 1.0]
gradientLayer.startPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.0)
gradientLayer.endPoint = CGPoint(x: 1.0, y: 1.0)
layer.insertSublayer(gradientLayer, at: 0)
extension UIView
//This func will add gradient backgroung
//Just sample one
func setGradientBackground()
let colorTop = UIColor(red: 255.0/255.0, green: 149.0/255.0, blue: 0.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
let colorBottom = UIColor(red: 255.0/255.0, green: 94.0/255.0, blue: 58.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
//Set Gradient layer
let gradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
gradientLayer.colors = [ colorTop, colorBottom]
gradientLayer.locations = [ 0.0, 1.0]
//Here is the main Play
//Set Layer name so can be identified while Dequeuing cell
gradientLayer.name = "layerName"
//Set bounds
gradientLayer.frame = self.layer.bounds
//Insert Layer
//Setting cell
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell", for: indexPath)
//Get all the sublayers of cell
for sublayer in cell.layer.sublayers!
//Check that sublayer is Already Added or not
if sublayer.name == "layerName"
//Sublayer already added
//Print already Added
print("Cell Deque again")
//Sublayer is not added yet
//Time to add Gradient Background
print("Layer Added")
//setting title
cell.textLabel?.text = items[indexPath.section][indexPath.row]
return cell
关于ios - 重复使用后,tableview单元格具有错误的背景层,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48532312/