
bool match( /* some optional parameter */ );


public function match( Match &$match = null ) {
  if( someMatchingRoutineMatched() ) {
    $match = new Match();
    return true;

  return false; // $match will stay null

// $test is some instance of the class that implements match()
// I don't have to declare $m up front, since it will be filled by reference
if( $test->match( $m ) ) {
  // $m would be filled with an instance of Match
else {
  // $m would be null


bool match( Match*& match ) {
  if( /* something matches */ ) {
    match = new Match;
    return true;

  return false;

Match* m = nullptr; // I wish I wouldn't have to declare this upfront as a nullptr
if( test.match( m ) ) {
  // a match occured, so m should no longer be a null pointer
  // but let's just make sure
  if( m != nullptr ) {
    // do something useful with m and afterwards delete it
    delete m;

bool match( Match*& match = nullptr );




不允许使用Match*& match = nullptr,因为对非const的引用无法绑定(bind)到临时对象,并且在此处传递nullptr会创建一个临时的Match*


Match* match() {
  if( /* something matches */ ) {
    return new Match;

  return nullptr;

if( Match* m = test.match() ) { // nullptr means false, non-nullptr means true
  if( m != nullptr ) { // always true here
    // do something useful with m and afterwards delete it
    delete m;

bool match() {
  Match* m = nullptr;
  bool result = match(m);
  delete m; // deleting a nullptr is a no-op
  return result;

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,强制使用unique_ptr -over-raw-owning-pointer,因此您不必担心delete,并且无需阅读match文档就可以清楚地知道返回的指针是拥有还是不拥有:
unique_ptr<Match> match() {
  if( /* something matches */ ) {
    return make_unique<Match>( /* constructor arguments */ );

  return nullptr;

if( auto m = test.match() ) { // m deduced to be of type unique_ptr<Match>
  if( m != nullptr ) { // always true here
    // do something useful with m and afterwards delete it
    // no need to delete explicitly

10-02 00:50