
// A trivial example:
function MyObject(val){
    this.count = 0;
    this.value = val;
MyObject.prototype = {
    get value(){
        return this.count < 2 ? "Go away" : this._value;
    set value(val){
        this._value = val + (++this.count);
var a = new MyObject('foo');

alert(a.value); // --> "Go away"
a.value = 'bar';
alert(a.value); // --> "bar2"


这个概念在PHP中可以使用__get()__set()魔术方法(有关这些信息,请参见the PHP documentation),所以我真的在问是否存在与这些方法等效的JavaScript?




自ES2015(又称“ ES6”)规范以来,此更改已更改:JavaScript现在具有proxies。代理使您可以创建真正的对象(作为其他对象的外观)。这是一个简单的示例,该示例将所有字符串形式的属性值转换为检索时的所有大写字母:

"use strict";
if (typeof Proxy == "undefined") {
    throw new Error("This browser doesn't support Proxy");
let original = {
    "foo": "bar"
let proxy = new Proxy(original, {
    get(target, name, receiver) {
        let rv = Reflect.get(target, name, receiver);
        if (typeof rv === "string") {
            rv = rv.toUpperCase();
        return rv;
console.log(`original.foo = ${original.foo}`); // "original.foo = bar"
console.log(`proxy.foo = ${proxy.foo}`);       // "proxy.foo = BAR"





"use strict";
if (typeof Proxy == "undefined") {
    throw new Error("This browser doesn't support Proxy");
let obj = new Proxy({}, {
    get(target, name, receiver) {
        if (!Reflect.has(target, name)) {
            console.log("Getting non-existent property '" + name + "'");
            return undefined;
        return Reflect.get(target, name, receiver);
    set(target, name, value, receiver) {
        if (!Reflect.has(target, name)) {
            console.log(`Setting non-existent property '${name}', initial value: ${value}`);
        return Reflect.set(target, name, value, receiver);

console.log(`[before] obj.foo = ${obj.foo}`);
obj.foo = "bar";
console.log(`[after] obj.foo = ${obj.foo}`);


Getting non-existent property 'foo'
[before] obj.foo = undefined
Setting non-existent property 'foo', initial value: bar
[after] obj.foo = bar

Note how we get the "non-existent" message when we try to retrieve foo when it doesn't yet exist, and again when we create it, but not after that.

Answer from 2011 (see above for 2013 and 2015 updates):

No, JavaScript doesn't have a catch-all property feature. The accessor syntax you're using is covered in Section 11.1.5 of the spec, and doesn't offer any wildcard or something like that.

You could, of course, implement a function to do it, but I'm guessing you probably don't want to use f = obj.prop("foo"); rather than f = obj.foo; and obj.prop("foo", value); rather than obj.foo = value; (which would be necessary for the function to handle unknown properties).

FWIW, the getter function (I didn't bother with setter logic) would look something like this:

MyObject.prototype.prop = function(propName) {
    if (propName in this) {
        // This object or its prototype already has this property,
        // return the existing value.
        return this[propName];

    // ...Catch-all, deal with undefined property here...


07-28 02:15