我的代码存在段错误。我不明白为什么。它可能与我创建的“ fermatPrimeTest()”函数有关。

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "fib.h"
using namespace std;

bool fermatPrimeTest( unsigned long int p )
  if ( p % 2 == 0 ) { // if even
    return false;
  else if ( p == 1 || p == 2 || p == 3 ) { // if 1, 2, or 3
    return true;
  unsigned long a = 2 ; // just give it an initial value, make it happy
  for ( int i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++) {
    if (GCD(a, p-1) != 1) {
      a = rand() % (p-1) + 1;
    // cout << "a=" << a << " ,p=" << p << GCD(a, p-1) << endl;
  return true;

int GCD(unsigned long int a, unsigned long int b) {
  while( 1 ) {
    a = a % b;
    if( a == 0 )
      return b;
      // cout << "GCD-b=" << b << ", GCD-a=" << a << endl;

    b = b % a;

    if( b == 0 )
      return a;
      // cout << "GCD-a=" << a << ", GCD-b=" << b << endl;

// fills array with Fibonacci primes
// returns number of primes
unsigned long findFibonacciPrimes (unsigned long lowerBound,
                                   unsigned long upperBound,
                                   unsigned long result[])
  int i = 0;  //counter
  unsigned long maxElements = upperBound - lowerBound + 1;  // there can be no more array elements than this

  The array result is guaranteed to have enough space to store all the numbers found.
  Your program will crash if it attempts to write past the end of the array, and no
  marks will be awarded for any tests in which this occurs. You are also guaranteed that
  1 < lowerBound < upperBound < 3,000,000,000.
  Every F_n that is prime has a prime  index n, with the exception of F_4=3.
  However, the converse is not true (i.e., not every prime index p gives a prime F_p).

  unsigned long int one = 0, two = 1, three = one + two;   // element x-2, x-1, and x for Fib sequence
  result[i++] = 0;
  result[i++] = 1;

 while ( lowerBound < three < upperBound ) {
    if ( fermatPrimeTest(three) ) {
      result[i++] = three;
    one = two;
    two = three;
    three = one + two;
  return sizeof result / sizeof result[0];   // return size of array TODO!
int main() {
  unsigned long result[100];



 while ( lowerBound < three < upperBound ) {


 while ( lowerBound < three && three < upperBound ) {

在C ++中,lowerBound < three < upperBound被解释为(lowerBound < three) < upperBound。表达式lowerBound < three始终会产生0(假)或1(真),因此,由于while为100,因此此upperBound循环将始终成功。

这导致行result[i++] = three;运行超过100次,因为有超过100个斐波那契素数。但是result的大小仅为100。当i≥100时,程序将写入无效的内存区域,这将导致分段错误。

正如Andres在评论中所说,您最好使用a vector,例如

#include <vector>
std::vector<unsigned long> findFibonacciPrimes(unsigned long lowerBound,
                                               unsigned long upperBound) {
   std::vector<unsigned long> result;
   result.push_back(1);  // note that 0 and 1 aren't primes.
   while (lowerBound < three && three < upperBound ) {
      if ( fermatPrimeTest(three) ) {
   return result;

int main () {
   std::vector<unsigned long> result = findFibonacciPrimes(1, 100);
   // use result.size() to get the number of items in the vector.
   // use result[i]     to get the i-th item.

10-04 12:28