
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$present = $_POST['present'];

$test3= "SELECT * FROM course_attendance, students, courses, attendance WHERE course_attendance.course_id=courses.course_id AND course_attendance.week_id=attendance.week_number_id AND course_attendance.student_id= students.student_id AND courses.course_id='101' AND attendance.week_number_id='2' ";
$result = mysql_query($test3)  or die(mysql_error());

echo "</br><table border='1' align='center'><tr> <th><strong>Student ID</strong></th> <th><strong>First Name </strong></th> <th><strong>Last Name</strong></th> <th><strong>Present</strong></th> </tr> ";

    echo"<form name='Biology_lecture11.php' method='post'>";
    echo "<tr><td width='100' align='center'>" .$rows['student_id'].
"</td><td width='120' align='center'>" .$rows['fname'].
"</td><td width='120' align='center'>" .$rows['lname'].
"</td><td><input type='text' name='present' value=" .$rows['present'] . ">";

echo "</table>";
 <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'  >


   $sql="UPDATE course_attendance SET present='$present' WHERE course_id='101' AND week_id='2' ";

      echo "Successfully logged the attendance";
  else {





我还将PHP中的echo HTML提取为HTML,并将表单移到表外(这可能在某些浏览器中引起问题)。

// Update present values
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
    // Get a list of student ids to check
    $idsResult = mysql_query("SELECT student_id from students");

    while($idRow = mysql_fetch_array($idsResult))
       // if the textbox for this student is set
       if(isset($_POST['present'.$idRow['student_id']]) && !empty($_POST['present'.$idRow['student_id']]))
          // Clean the user input, then escape and update the database
          $cleanedPresent = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_POST['present'.$idRow['student_id']]));
          $sql = "UPDATE course_attendance SET present='".mysql_real_escape_string($present)."' WHERE course_id='101' AND week_id='2' AND student_id=".$idRow['student_id'];
          $result = mysql_query($sql);

            echo "Successfully logged the attendance for ID ".$idRow['student_id'];
          else {
            echo "ERROR updating on ID ".$idRow['student_id'];

$test3= "SELECT * FROM course_attendance, students, courses, attendance WHERE course_attendance.course_id=courses.course_id AND course_attendance.week_id=attendance.week_number_id AND course_attendance.student_id= students.student_id AND courses.course_id='101' AND attendance.week_number_id='2' ";
$result = mysql_query($test3)  or die(mysql_error());
<form name='Biology_lecture11.php' method='post'>
<table border='1' align='center'>
    <th><strong>Student ID</strong></th>
    <th><strong>First Name </strong></th>
    <th><strong>Last Name</strong></th>
  echo "<tr><td width='100' align='center'>" .$rows['student_id'].
  "</td><td width='120' align='center'>" .$rows['fname'].
  "</td><td width='120' align='center'>" .$rows['lname'].
  "</td><td><input type='text' name='present".$rows['student_id']."' value=" .$rows['present'] . ">";
<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'>

替代(更好)的方法:如果可以将当前值设置为简单的0/1或true / false,则为每个学生使用复选框将更容易。在回发中,您可以通过选中指示存在的学生的每个复选框来检索值数组,然后在一个查询中更新数据库表。这也可以防止恶意文本输入。


// Update present values
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
    // Get a list of student ids to check
    $idsResult = mysql_query("SELECT student_id from students");

    $presentIds = array();
    $absentIds = array();
    while($idRow = mysql_fetch_array($idsResult))
       // If the student's checkbox is checked, add it to the presentIds array.
         $presentIds[] = $idRow['student_id'];
         $absentIds[] = $idRow['student_id'];

      // Convert array to string for query
      $idsAsString = implode(",", $presentIds);

      // You can set present to whatever you want. I used 1.
      $sql = "UPDATE course_attendance SET present='1' WHERE course_id='101' AND week_id='2' AND student_id IN (".$idsAsString.")";
      $result = mysql_query($sql);

        echo "Successfully logged the attendance for IDs ".$idsAsString;
      else {
        echo "ERROR updating on IDs ".$idsAsString;

      // OPTIONAL: Mark absent students as '0' or whatever other value you want
      $absentIdsAsString = implode(",", $absentIds);
      // You can set present to whatever you want. I used 1.
      $absentQuery = "UPDATE course_attendance SET present='0' WHERE course_id='101' AND week_id='2' AND student_id IN (".$absentIdsAsString.")";
      $absentResult = mysql_query($absentQuery);

        echo "Successfully logged absence for IDs ".$absentIdsAsString;
      else {
        echo "ERROR updating absence on IDs ".$absentIdsAsString;


$test3= "SELECT * FROM course_attendance, students, courses, attendance WHERE course_attendance.course_id=courses.course_id AND course_attendance.week_id=attendance.week_number_id AND course_attendance.student_id= students.student_id AND courses.course_id='101' AND attendance.week_number_id='2' ";
$result = mysql_query($test3)  or die(mysql_error());
<form name='Biology_lecture11.php' method='post'>
<table border='1' align='center'>
    <th><strong>Student ID</strong></th>
    <th><strong>First Name </strong></th>
    <th><strong>Last Name</strong></th>
  echo "<tr><td width='100' align='center'>" .$rows['student_id'].
  "</td><td width='120' align='center'>" .$rows['fname'].
  "</td><td width='120' align='center'>" .$rows['lname'].
  "</td><td><input type='checkbox' name='present".$rows['student_id']."' ";

  // NOTE: REPLACE 1 with whatever value you store in the database for being present.
  // I used 1 since the update at the top of the code uses 0 and 1.
    echo "checked='checked' ";
  // With a checkbox, you don't need to assign it a value.
  echo "value=" .$rows['present'];

  echo ">";
<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'>

关于php - 无法在mysql,php中更新,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15370942/

10-12 00:22