(在十六进制中),函数RotateLeft(string, 1)
给了我40,就像在rotate中一样。最大旋转值是64,则函数必须返回发送的字符串(RotateLeft(string, 64) == string
std::string RotateLeft(std::string Message, unsigned int Value){
std::string Output;
unsigned int MessageLength = Message.length(), Bit;
int FirstPointer, SecondPointer;
unsigned char Char;
for (int a = 0; a < MessageLength; a++){
FirstPointer = a - ceil(Value / 8.);
if (FirstPointer < 0){
FirstPointer += MessageLength;
SecondPointer = (FirstPointer + 1) % MessageLength;
Bit = Value % 8;
Char = (Message[FirstPointer] << Bit) | (Message[SecondPointer] & (unsigned int)(pow(2, Bit) - 1));
Output += Char;
return Output;
并执行RotateLeft(string, 1)
。当我在Windows Calc中对此进行检查时,它现在是有效值。任何人都可以帮助我并证明我在哪里做错了? 最佳答案
// Some example variables.
uint64_t x, shift = 2;
string in = "fffefffe", out;
// Get the string as a number
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex << in;
ss >> x;
// Shift the number
x = x << shift;
// Convert the number back into a hex string
std::ostringstream ss2;
ss2 << std::hex << x;
// Get your output.
out = ss2.str();
Here is a live example.
关于c++ - C++中的字符串旋转器(按位旋转),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33880096/