f = open(i, 'r')
msg = 'somestring'
for line in f:
if msg in line: # I would like to add a check if a specific (**somestring following
# the msg on the next line**) exists on the next line, string here
for string in range(5):
print line + ''.join(islice(f, 5))
from itertools import islice
first_string = 'Description = "'
second_string = 'ErrorCode'
with open('test.txt') as f:
for line in f:
if first_string in line:
next_line = next(f)
if second_string in next_line:
print(next_line + ''.join(islice(f, 4)))
Description = "Something"
FalseAlarm = true
Description = "Something"
ErrorCode 0
EstimatedInstallTime = 30
EvaluationState = 1
Something = Else
More = Here
ErrorCode 0
EstimatedInstallTime = 30
EvaluationState = 1
Something = Else
More = Here
关于python - 查找以下行中特定字符串之后是否存在特定字符串,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38385274/