var readlineSync = require('readline-sync');
var firstNamer = readlineSync.question('Hi!, May I have your first
console.log("Hi " + firstNamer.toUpperCase() + "! \nIt's sooooo good to
see you");
var lastName = readlineSync.question("What's your last name?");
console.log(firstNamer.toUpperCase() + " " + lastName.toUpperCase() + "
Wow! such a cool name.");
var age = readlineSync.question(`Now that I know your name is
${firstNamer} ${lastName} \n can I get your age?`);
console.log(`WOW! \tNow I know that ${firstNamer.toUpperCase()}
${lastName.toUpperCase()} is ${age} and that's just great!`);
var story = readlineSync.question(`Well ${firstNamer} now that I know
your first and last name, tell me your story?`);
console.log(`So your telling me that that you ${story} hmmmm
var halfStory = readlineSync.question(`So now that I know your story I
can tell you that what you told me was ${story.length} characters long
\n I'll show the last half now. ok?`);
console.log(`\n this is the last half of your story "${story.slice(0,
story.length / 2)}"`);
var x = "hello there!"
console.log(x.substring(x.length / 2)) // there!