
数据库的ERD图位于SQL Server equivalent to GROUP_CONCAT()

1.Number of benefits days allotted to each employee
2.Number of benefit days taken year-to-date
3.Number of benefit days remaining in the calendar year
4.Number of holidays allotted to each employee
5.Number of holidays taken year-to-date
6.Number of holidays remaining in the calendar year


  E.LastName+ ' '+E.FirstName As [Employee Name],
  count (B.BenefitTypeID)as [No of Benefit Days],
  SUM(CASE WHEN BT.BenefitTypeID='1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Holidays],
  SUM(CASE WHEN B.BT_Month='4' AND B.BT_Year='2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Days Taken],
  SUM(CASE WHEN B.BT_Month!='4' and B.BT_Year!='2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Days Remaining],
  SUM(CASE WHEN BT.BenefitTypeID='1' and B.BT_Month='4' and B.BT_Year='2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Holidays Taken],
  SUM(CASE WHEN BT.BenefitTypeID='1' and B.BT_Month!='4' and B.BT_Year!='2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Holidays Remaining]

FROM BenefitsTaken B
JOIN Employees E
ON( B.EmpID = E.EmpID )

LEFT Join  BenefitTypes BT

Group By E.LastName,E.FirstName,BT.BenefitTypeID,B.BT_Month,B.BT_Year


Employee Name                                                 No of Benefit Days Number of Holidays Number of Days Taken Number of Days Remaining Number of Holidays Taken Number of Holidays Remaining
------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------------------------
Doe James                                                     1                  0                  1                    0                        0                        0
Doe James                                                     1                  0                  0                    0                        0                        0
Jones Mark                                                    2                  2                  0                    0                        0                        0
Jones Mark                                                    1                  0                  1                    0                        0                        0
Jones Mark                                                    1                  0                  0                    0                        0                        0
Rice Luke                                                     1                  0                  1                    0                        0                        0
Rice Luke                                                     1                  0                  0                    0                        0                        0
Smith Matthew                                                 1                  1                  1                    0                        1                        0
Smith Matthew                                                 1                  0                  1                    0                        0                        0

(9 row(s) affected)


不是100%肯定,但可能是由两个组LastName,FirstName引起的,因此请使用group By [Employee Name]

  E.LastName+ ' '+E.FirstName As [Employee Name],
  count (B.BenefitTypeID)as [No of Benefit Days],
  SUM(CASE WHEN BT.BenefitTypeID='1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Holidays],
  SUM(CASE WHEN B.BT_Month='4' AND B.BT_Year='2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Days Taken],
  SUM(CASE WHEN B.BT_Month!='4' and B.BT_Year!='2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Days Remaining],
  SUM(CASE WHEN BT.BenefitTypeID='1' and B.BT_Month='4' and B.BT_Year='2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Holidays Taken],
  SUM(CASE WHEN BT.BenefitTypeID='1' and B.BT_Month!='4' and B.BT_Year!='2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As [Number of Holidays Remaining]

FROM BenefitsTaken B
JOIN Employees E
ON( B.EmpID = E.EmpID )

LEFT Join  BenefitTypes BT

Group By `Employee Name`

关于mysql - SQL SERVER COUNT查询,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28996087/

10-12 01:10