typedef unsigned char byte;
struct Header
char ID[10];
int version;
struct Vertex //cannot rearrange the order of the members
byte flags;
float vertex[3];
char bone;
byte referenceCount;
std::ifstream in(path.c_str(), std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
Header header;
in.read((char*)&header.ID, sizeof(header.ID));
header.ID[9] = '\0';
in.read((char*)&header.version, sizeof(header.version));
std::cout << header.ID << " " << header.version << "\n";
in.read((char*)&NumVertices, sizeof(NumVertices));
std::cout << NumVertices << "\n";
std::vector<Vertex> Vertices(NumVertices);
for(std::vector<Vertex>::iterator it = Vertices.begin(); it != Vertices.end(); ++it)
Vertex& v = (*it);
in.read((char*)&v.flags, sizeof(v.flags));
in.read((char*)&v.vertex, sizeof(v.vertex));
in.read((char*)&v.bone, sizeof(v.bone));
in.read((char*)&v.referenceCount, sizeof(v.referenceCount));
in.read((char*)&Vertices[0], sizeof(Vertices[0]) * NumVertices);
Header header;
in.read((char*)&header, sizeof(Header));
如果您始终在同一体系结构或同一台机器上运行,则无需担心字节序问题,因为将它们写成应用程序需要读取它们的方式即可。如果您正在创建文件,在一种架构上,并希望它在另一种架构上可移植/可用,那么您将需要相应地交换字节。我过去这样做的方法是创建自己的交换方法。 (例如Swap.h)
Swap.h - This is the header you use within you're code
void swap(unsigned char *x, int size);
SwapIntel.cpp - This is what you would compile and link against when building for Intel
void swap(unsigned char *x, int size)
return; // Do nothing assuming this is the format the file was written for Intel (little-endian)
SwapSolaris.cpp - This is what you would compile and link against when building for Solaris
void swap(unsigned char *x, int size)
// Byte swapping code here to switch from little-endian to big-endian as the file was written on Intel
// and this file will be the implementation used within the Solaris build of your product
关于c++ - 结构填充,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5804541/