我正在做我的第一个Laravel 5元素,非常需要一种从电子邮件 View 内联CSS的方法。由于Mandrill的转换问题,我使用Mailgun(不幸的是,Mandrill具有嵌入的CSS内联功能,但Mailgun没有)。
Inlining CSS when sending an email with Mailgun in Laravel - Antoine Augusti-似乎没有任何作用,没有内联电子邮件。看来,L5有一些根本的差异打破了这种方法
fedeisas/laravel-mail-css-inliner-不起作用。有人在此Issue的末尾发布了一些代码,但我不知道如何实现它(也不知道它是否适用于Laravel 5)。
<?php namespace App\Library;
use TijsVerkoyen\CssToInlineStyles\CssToInlineStyles;
* Class inlineEmail
* Returns rendered Email view with inlined CSS
* @package App\Library
class inlineEmail {
* Filename of the view to render
* @var string
private $view;
* Data - passed to view
* @var array
private $data;
* @param string $view Filename/path of view to render
* @param array $data Data of email
public function __construct($view, array $data)
// Render the email view
$emailView = view($view, $data)->render();
$this->view = $emailView;
$this->data = $data;
* Convert to inlined CSS
* @return string
* @throws \TijsVerkoyen\CssToInlineStyles\Exception
public function convert()
$converter = new CssToInlineStyles();
$content = $converter->convert();
return $content;
$data = ['someVar' => 'someValue'];
$inlineEmail = new inlineEmail('emails.group-email', $data);
$content = $inlineEmail->convert();
Mail::queue('emails.raw', ['content' => $content], function($message) use ($data) {
$message->subject('Hello World')
,其中仅包含{!! $content !!}
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<title>Email Title</title>
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<body bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
<!-- Main Body -->
<table class="body-wrap">
<td class="container" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<div class="content">
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<img src="https://example.com/images/logo.png" alt="Company Logo"/>
<!-- Email content goes here .. -->
<!-- /Main Body -->
<!-- Footer -->
<table class="footer-wrap">
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<div class="content">
<td align="center">
<p>Footer goes here</p>
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扩展此 View 的典型电子邮件如下所示:
<h1>Example Email</h1>
<p>This is an example email. There are many like it but this one is mine.</p>
<td align="center">
<a href="http://example.com" class="btn-primary">This is a Button</a>
关于css - Laravel 5-电子邮件中的内联CSS,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29661851/