
- Add
- Multiply





public class Input
   //input properties

public interface IOperations
    public abstract void Process(Input obj);

public class Add : IOperations
    Input obj;
    public Add(Input obj)
        this.obj = obj;
    public override void Process(Input obj)
       //Add method implementation

public class Multiply : IOperations
    Input obj;
    public Multiply(Input obj)
        this.obj = obj;
    public override void Process(Input obj)
       //Multiply method implementation


string type;
   //perform add operation
else if(type=="Multiply")
  //perform multiply operation


注意:将IOperations创建为Interface的原因是用于dependency injection


这是strategy design pattern的很好的候选者。



public interface IOperation
    Output Process(Input input);
    bool AppliesTo(string operation);

public interface IOperationStrategy
    Output Process(string operation, Input input);


public class Add : IOperation
    public bool AppliesTo(string operation)
        return nameof(Add).Equals(operation, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    public Output Process(Input input)
        // Implementation
        return new Output();

public class Multiply : IOperation
    public bool AppliesTo(string operation)
        return nameof(Multiply).Equals(operation, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    public Output Process(Input input)
        // Implementation
        return new Output();


public class OperationStrategy : IOperationStrategy
    private readonly IOperation[] operations;

    public OperationStrategy(params IOperation[] operations)
        if (operations == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(operations));
        this.operations = operations;

    public Output Process(string operation, Input input)
        var op = operations.FirstOrDefault(o => o.AppliesTo(operation));
        if (op == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"{operation} not registered.");

        return op.Process(input);


// I am showing this in code, but you would normally
// do this with your DI container in your composition
// root, and the instance would be created by injecting
// it somewhere.
var strategy = new OperationStrategy(
    new Add(), // Inject any dependencies for operation here
    new Multiply()); // Inject any dependencies for operation here

// And then once it is injected, you would simply do this.
// Note that it would not be appropriate to use an Enum for
// the operation, because the compiled Enum would have to
// remain in sync with the runtime operation values (not possible).
// That said, the data type doesn't necessarily need to be string.

var input = new Input { Value1 = 2, Value2 = 3 };

var output = strategy.Process("add", input);
// output.Value is 5

var output = strategy.Process("multiply", input);
// output.Value is 6

在工厂设计中使用此模式的优点之一是,无需更改设计即可添加或删除操作。在工厂设计中,您有一个硬编码到其中的switch case语句,每次添加操作时都需要更改。



Factory method with DI and IoC
Best way to use StructureMap to implement Strategy pattern
Dependency Injection Unity - Conditional Resolving
Dependency injection type-selection

09-30 15:37