我有一个很好的解决方案,我一直在使用。它的缺点是它具有O(n ^ 2)运行时,这让我很难过。
// I defined these functions as part of a utility library called "U".
var U = {
isObj: function(obj, cls) {
try { return obj.constructor === cls; } catch(e) { return false; };
straighten: function(item) {
Un-circularizes data. Works if `item` is a simple Object, an Array, or any inline value (string, int, null, etc).
var arr = [];
U.straighten0(item, arr);
return arr.map(function(item) { return item.calc; });
straighten0: function(item, items) {
The "meat" of the un-circularization process. Returns the index of `item`
within the array `items`. If `item` didn't initially exist within
`items`, it will by the end of this function, therefore this function
always produces a usable index.
Also, `item` is guaranteed to have no more circular references (it will
be in a new format) once its index is obtained.
STEP 1) If `item` is already in `items`, simply return it.
Note that an object's existence can only be confirmed by comparison to
itself, not an un-circularized version of itself. For this reason an
`orig` value is kept ahold of to make such comparisons possible. This
entails that every entry in `items` has both an `orig` value (the
original object, for comparison) and a `calc` value (the calculated, un
circularized value).
for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) // This is O(n^2) :(
if (items[i].orig === item) return i;
var ind = items.length;
// STEP 2) Depending on the type of `item`, un-circularize it differently
if (U.isObj(item, Object)) {
STEP 2.1) `item` is an `Object`. Create an un-circularized version of
that `Object` - keep all its keys, but replace each value with an index
that points to that values.
var obj = {};
items.push({ orig: item, calc: obj }); // Note both `orig` AND `calc`.
for (var k in item)
obj[k] = U.straighten0(item[k], items);
} else if (U.isObj(item, Array)) {
STEP 2.2) `item` is an `Array`. Create an un-circularized version of
that `Array` - replace each of its values with an index that indexes
the original value.
var arr = [];
items.push({ orig: item, calc: arr }); // Note both `orig` AND `calc`.
for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++)
arr.push(U.straighten0(item[i], items));
} else {
STEP 2.3) `item` is a simple inline value. We don't need to make any
modifications to it, as inline values have no references (let alone
circular references).
items.push({ orig: item, calc: item });
return ind;
unstraighten: function(items) {
Re-circularizes un-circularized data! Used for undoing the effects of
`U.straighten`. This process will use a particular marker (`unbuilt`) to
show values that haven't yet been calculated. This is better than using
`null`, because that would break in the case that the literal value is
var unbuilt = { UNBUILT: true };
var initialArr = [];
// Fill `initialArr` with `unbuilt` references
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) initialArr.push(unbuilt);
return U.unstraighten0(items, 0, initialArr, unbuilt);
unstraighten0: function(items, ind, built, unbuilt) {
The "meat" of the re-circularization process. Returns an Object, Array,
or inline value. The return value may contain circular references.
if (built[ind] !== unbuilt) return built[ind];
var item = items[ind];
var value = null;
Similar to `straighten`, check the type. Handle Object, Array, and inline
values separately.
if (U.isObj(item, Object)) {
// value is an ordinary object
var obj = built[ind] = {};
for (var k in item)
obj[k] = U.unstraighten0(items, item[k], built, unbuilt);
return obj;
} else if (U.isObj(item, Array)) {
// value is an array
var arr = built[ind] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++)
arr.push(U.unstraighten0(items, item[i], built, unbuilt));
return arr;
built[ind] = item;
return item;
thingToString: function(thing) {
Elegant convenience function to convert any structure (circular or not)
to a string! Now that this function is available, you can ignore
`straighten` and `unstraighten`, and the headaches they may cause.
var st = U.straighten(thing);
return JSON.stringify(st);
stringToThing: function(string) {
Elegant convenience function to reverse the effect of `U.thingToString`.
return U.unstraighten(JSON.parse(string));
var circular = {
val: 'haha',
val2: [ 'hey', 'ho', 'hee' ],
doesNullWork: null
circular.circle1 = circular;
circular.confusing = {
circular: circular,
value: circular.val2
console.log('Does JSON.stringify work??');
try {
var str = JSON.stringify(circular);
console.log('JSON.stringify works!!');
} catch(err) {
console.log('JSON.stringify doesn\'t work!');
console.log('Does U.thingToString work??');
try {
var str = U.thingToString(circular);
console.log('U.thingToString works!!');
console.log('Its result looks like this:')
console.log('And here\'s it converted back into an object:');
var obj = U.stringToThing(str);
for (var k in obj) {
console.log('`obj` has key "' + k + '"');
console.log('Did `null` work?');
if (obj.doesNullWork === null)
console.log('nope :(');
} catch(err) {
console.log('U.thingToString doesn\'t work!');
val: 'hello',
anotherVal: 'hi',
circular: << a reference to itself >>
0: {
val: 1,
anotherVal: 2,
circular: 0 // Note that it's become possible to refer to "self" by index! :D
1: 'hello',
2: 'hi'
hi: 'hihihihihihihihihihihi-very-long-pls-compress',
ha: 'hihihihihihihihihihihi-very-long-pls-compress'
0: {
hi: 1,
ha: 1
1: 'hihihihihihihihihihihi-very-long-pls-compress'
的用法完全相同。var circularObj = // Some big circular object you have
var serialized = U.thingToString(circularObj);
var unserialized = U.stringToThing(serialized);
关于javascript - Node.js:如何使用循环引用序列化大对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32797383/