
<section style="display: block;" class="employer">
    <div class="job_holder">
    <img src="http://lcl.doctrine.com/media/uploads/users/large_moovjob_large4.gif" alt="Test Company" height="148" width="198">
    <!--<a href="" class="fave">Fave</a>-->
    <ul class="job_listings">
                + <a href="http://lcl.doctrine.com/jobwall/getjob/4" class="openjob">
            PHP Backend Web Developer
            + <a href="http://lcl.doctrine.com/jobwall/getjob/5" class="openjob">
                Website Designer


    [0] => Array
            [job_id] => 4
            [job_title] => PHP Backend Web Developer
            [salary] => 23000
            [job_tags] => IT,Media
            [retrain] => no
            [job_extras] => We offer a very generous bonus scheme, including a company car, profit bonuses and a pension package.

            [job_summary] => The job consists of a 60/40 spilt of PHP and front end skills, you will be expected to be proficient in, PHP, OO, MySQL and JAVASCRIPT
            [job_description] => The job is a 60/40 split between the front and the backend of coding. You will be working within a team of 4 using an inhouse framework and where applicable an in house CMS.

For working hours of 9-5.30 (we try not to stay too late but sometimes this is unnavoidable) you will be paid ?23,000, you will also be given a company car, and 1% of all yearly profits, we will also match any pension contributions that you make.

            [company_name] => Test Company
            [company_summary] => Test company is excatly what it says it is a test company, we have created this test company so that we can see that moovjob is functioning as it should be and that everything is upload, saving, applying and generally saving as we would expect. Hello
            [logo_small] => small_moovjob_small12.png
            [logo_large] => large_moovjob_large4.gif
            [employer_id] => 1

    [1] => Array
            [job_id] => 5
            [job_title] => Website Designer
            [salary] => 28000
            [job_tags] => Media,Marketing
            [retrain] => no
            [job_extras] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam enim nisl, sodales dignissim tempus in, placerat id enim. Aenean eget diam velit. Morbi quis erat mi. Donec metus sem, consectetur at malesuada ac, iaculis nec arcu. Morbi libero leo, rhoncus ac vestibulum quis, vehicula nec metus. Vestibulum quis luctus erat. In varius accumsan ornare. Ut ullamcorper bibendum lorem ut elementum.
            [job_summary] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam enim nisl, sodales dignissim tempus in, placerat id enim. Aenean eget diam velit. Morbi quis erat mi. Donec metus sem, consectetur at malesuada ac, iaculis nec arcu. Morbi libero leo, rhoncus ac vestibulum quis, vehicula nec metus. Vestibulum quis luctus erat.us erat. In varius accumsan ornare. Ut ullamcorper bibendum lorem ut elementum.
            [job_description] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam enim nisl, sodales dignissim tempus in, placerat id enim. Aenean eget diam velit. Morbi quis erat mi. Donec metus sem, consectetur at malesuada ac, iaculis nec arcu. Morbi libero leo, rhoncus ac vestibulum quis, vehicula nec metus. Vestibulum quis luctus erat. In varius accumsan ornare. Ut ullamcorper bibendum lorem ut elementum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam enim nisl, sodales dignissim tempus in, placerat id enim. Aenean eget diam velit. Morbi quis erat mi. Donec metus sem, consectetur at malesuada ac, iaculis nec arcu. Morbi libero leo, rhoncus ac vestibulum quis, vehicula nec metus. Vestibulum quis luctus erat. In varius accumsan ornare. Ut ullamcorper bibendum lorem ut elementum.
            [company_name] => Test Company
            [company_summary] => Test company is excatly what it says it is a test company, we have created this test company so that we can see that moovjob is functioning as it should be and that everything is upload, saving, applying and generally saving as we would expect. Hello
            [logo_small] => small_moovjob_small12.png
            [logo_large] => large_moovjob_large4.gif
            [employer_id] => 1



<?php if(is_array($jobs)) : ?>
<pre><?php print_r($jobs); ?></pre>
<?php $count = count($jobs); ?>
<?php foreach ($jobs as $j) : ?>
    <section class="employer">
        <div class="job_holder">
            <img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>media/uploads/users/<?php echo $j['logo_large']; ?>" width="198" height="148" alt="<?php echo $j['company_name']; ?>"/>
                <dt><?php echo $count; ?></dt>
            <!--<a href="" class="fave">Fave</a>-->
             <ul class="job_listings">
                    <?php foreach ($jobs as $j) : ?>
                        <?php $job = $j['job_title']; ?>
                            + <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>jobwall/getjob/<?php echo $j['job_id']; ?>" class="openjob">
                                <?php echo $job; ?>
                    <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>



public function search($salary = null, $location = null, $tags = null, $quick_tags = null)
    $this->db->select('job_id, job_title, salary, job_tags, retrain, job_extras, job_summary, job_description,  company_name, company_summary, logo_small, logo_large, employers.employer_id');
    $this->db->join('employers', 'employers.employer_id = jobs.employer_id', 'left');
    if(isset($salary)) {
        $this->db->where('jobs.salary >=', $salary);
    if(isset($location)) {
        $this->db->where('jobs.city', $location);
    if(isset($tags)) {
        $this->db->like('jobs.job_tags', $tags);
    if(isset($quick_tags) && is_array($quick_tags)) {
        foreach ($quick_tags as $index => $value) {
            if ($index == 0)
                $this->db->like('jobs.job_tags', $value);
                $this->db->or_like('jobs.job_tags', $value);
    $query = $this->db->get();
    return $query->result_array();



    job posting 1
    job posting 2
Other employer
    job posting 1



employerCache = '';
for ($jobs as $job) {
   if ($job['company_name'] != employerCache) {
       // display company/employer header
       $employerCache = $job['company_name'];
   // display job posting


09-30 13:44