通过使用jar: URI scheme,虽然可能不明智,但有可能读取基本上已重命名为.zip文件(.ear,.war,.jar等)的存档格式。


private FileSystem createZipFileSystem(Path path) throws IOException {
    URI uri = URI.create("jar:" + path.toUri().toString());
    FileSystem fs;

    try {
        fs = FileSystems.getFileSystem(uri);
    } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
        fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, new HashMap<>());

    return fs;




如上述乔纳斯·柏林(Jonas Berlin)的评论所述,答案是。从java.net.JarURLConnection source:

/* get the specs for a given url out of the cache, and compute and
 * cache them if they're not there.
private void parseSpecs(URL url) throws MalformedURLException {
    String spec = url.getFile();

    int separator = spec.indexOf("!/");
     * REMIND: we don't handle nested JAR URLs
    if (separator == -1) {
        throw new MalformedURLException("no !/ found in url spec:" + spec);

    jarFileURL = new URL(spec.substring(0, separator++));
    entryName = null;

    /* if ! is the last letter of the innerURL, entryName is null */
    if (++separator != spec.length()) {
        entryName = spec.substring(separator, spec.length());
        entryName = ParseUtil.decode (entryName);

关于java - 嵌套归档文件是否存在有效的java.net.URI?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26935050/

10-11 04:03