active_layer # An array
active_layer_volumes = [] # List of 7 arrays
active_layer_proportions = [] # List of 7 arrays
inactive_layer # Array
inactive_layer_volumes = [] # List of 7 arrays
inactive_layer_proportions = [] # List of 7 arrays
# Calculate the lower and upper limits for the volume of the active layer
al_upper_volume_limit = 5
al_lower_volume_limit = 1
# Count the grainsizes as the model works through them
grain_size_counter = 1
# Set up some empty arrays to hold the new values
new_active_layer_total = np.zeros_like(active_layer)
new_inactive_layer_total = np.zeros_like(inactive_layer)
# Iterate through the 24 arrays in order
for active_layer_proportion, active_layer_volume, inactive_layer_proportion, inactive_layer_volume in izip(active_layer_volumes, active_layer_proportions,inactive_layer_volumes, inactive_layer_proportions):
# Iterate through all of the cells in the active layer checking to see if certain conditions are met
for [i, j], depth in np.ndenumerate(active_layer): # Iterate through the cells
if active_layer[i, j] >= al_upper_volume_limit: # check to see if the volume in that cell is greater than 5m3
inactive_layer_volume[i, j] = (20 * active_layer_proportion[i, j]) + inactive_layer_volume[i, j] # add 20cm proportion of that grainsize to the active layer
active_layer_volume[i, j] = (active_layer[i, j] - 20) * active_layer_proportion[i, j]
elif active_layer[i, j] < al_lower_volume_limit and inactive_layer[i, j] > 0: # check to see if the volume in that cell is greater than 5m3
active_layer_volume[i, j] = (20 * inactive_layer_proportion[i, j]) + active_layer_volume[i, j]
inactive_layer_volume[i, j] = inactive_layer_volume[i, j] - (20 * inactive_layer_proportion[i, j])
# Increment a counter as the loop goes through the arrays
grain_size_counter + 1
# Add the new calculated volumes to a running total array
new_active_layer_total += active_layer_volume
new_inactive_layer_total += inactive_layer_volume
# Array B contains True/False for the condition and is subsequently
# used as Boolean index.
B = (active_layer >= al_upper_volume_limit)
inactive_layer_volume[B] += 20 * active_layer_proportion[B]
active_layer_volume[B] = (active_layer[B] - 20) * active_layer_proportion[B]
# The "not B" does the "else" part of the elif statement it replaces
B = ~B & (active_layer < al_lower_volume_limit) & (inactive_layer > 0)
active_layer_volume[B] += 20 * inactive_layer_proportion[B]
inactive_layer_volume[B] -= 20 * inactive_layer_proportion[B]