
public class Frame {
  private boolean[][] content;

  public Frame(boolean [][] content) {
    boolean[][] threadSafeCopy = deepCopy(content);
    if (!(threadSafeCopy != null)) {
      throw new NullPointerException("content must not be null");
    if (!(threadSafeCopy.length > 0)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("content.length must be greater than 0");
    if (!(threadSafeCopy[0] != null)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("content[0] must not be null");
    if (!(threadSafeCopy[0].length > 0)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("content[0].length must be greater than 0");
    for (int i = 1, count = threadSafeCopy.length; i < count; ++i) {
      if (!(threadSafeCopy[i].length == threadSafeCopy[0].length)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException
            (   "content[" + i + "].length [" + threadSafeCopy[i].length
              + "] must be equal to content[0].length [" + threadSafeCopy[0].length + "]"
    this.content = threadSafeCopy;

  private boolean[][] deepCopy(boolean[][] content) {
    boolean[][] result = null;
    if (content != null) {
      synchronized(content) { //do our best to make this as multi-threaded friendly as possible
        result = new boolean[content.length][];
        for (int i = 0, count = content.length; i < count; ++ i) {
          if (content[i] != null)
            synchronized(content[i]) {
              result[i] = content[i].clone();
    return result;

  public boolean[][] getContent() {
    boolean[][] result = new boolean[this.content.length][]; //defensive copy
    for (int i = 0, count = result.length; i < count; ++i) {
      result[i] = this.content[i].clone(); //defensive copy
    return result;

但是,上述方法private boolean[][] deepCopy(boolean[][] content)的实现实际上不是线程安全的。在此方法尝试复制时,该数组可能正在被另一个线程主动修改。的确,我在基本数组上使用synchronized来防止最恶劣的情况。但是,这不会导致第二维数组实例集被锁定。并且有可能在复制期间对其进行修改。

是否有某种方法可以为基本数组(content)和子数组(content[0]content[1],...,content[content.length - 1])中的每一个收集对象锁,这样我可以调用类似synchronized(objectsToLockSimultaneouslyList)并同时按列表顺序锁定所有对象。如果是这样,我可以安全地线程复制数组的内容。



我想做的事情根本不可能。我对通过同步锁定对象的理解也很错误(tyvm glowcoder,Paulo和Brian)。现在,我将尝试更改Frame的接口以使用List<List<Boolean>>,这似乎效率会低得多。或者我可以使用Set<XyCoordinate>,其中XyCoordinate的存在表示“ true”。再次,这似乎是如此低效,但线程安全。啊!



void deepCopy(boolean[][] orig) {
    synchronized(orig) {
        boolean[][] result = new boolean[orig.length][];
        return result;

 * recursive method to lock all rows in an array, and then copy
 * them in (backwards, by chance)
void deepCopy(boolean[][] orig, int row) {
    if(row == orig.length) return; // end condition
    synchronized(orig[row]) { // lock the row first
        deepCopy(orig,row+1); // lock the next row
        content[row] = new boolean[orig[row].length];
        for(int i = 0; i < content[row].length; i++)
            content[row][i] = orig[row][i];
        // now, do row - 1

08-08 05:59