events : {
load: function(){
var ren = this.renderer;
// Get data from the highcharts object
var plot = this.plotBox;
var zeroGridLine = this.yAxis[0].ticks[0].gridLine.d;
var zeroGridLineArray = zeroGridLine.split(' ');
var topPos = plot.y; // top of the chart
var zeroPos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-1)[0]); // position of the zero line
var bottomPos = topPos + plot.height; // bottom of the chart
var vertLinePos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-2)[0]) + 8; // vertical line position
var horizWidth = 5; // width of the horizontal lines
var strokeWidth = 1; // thickness of the line
var stroke = 'black'; // color of the line
// exports vertical line
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos, topPos, 'L', vertLinePos, zeroPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_0'
// imports vertical line
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos, zeroPos, 'L', vertLinePos, bottomPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_1'
// Horizontal line to separate import/export
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, zeroPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, zeroPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_2'
// top horizontal line
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, topPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, topPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_3'
// bottom horizontal line
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, bottomPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, bottomPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_4'
// label imports and exports
ren.text('Exports',vertLinePos + 5,((zeroPos - topPos) / 2) + topPos + 3 )
.attr({id: 'impExpLines_5'})
// label imports and exports
ren.text('Imports',vertLinePos + 5,((bottomPos - zeroPos) / 2) + zeroPos + 3 )
.attr({id: 'impExpLines_6'})
redraw : function(){
// clear previosuly drawn lines
var ren = this.renderer;
// Get data from the highcharts object
var plot = this.plotBox;
var zeroGridLine = this.yAxis[0].ticks[0].gridLine.d;
var zeroGridLineArray = zeroGridLine.split(' ');
var topPos = plot.y; // top of the chart
var zeroPos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-1)[0]); // position of the zero line
var bottomPos = topPos + plot.height; // bottom of the chart
var vertLinePos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-2)[0]) + 8; // vertical line position
var horizWidth = 5; // width of the horizontal lines
var strokeWidth = 1; // thickness of the line
var stroke = 'black'; // color of the line
// exports vertical line
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos, topPos, 'L', vertLinePos, zeroPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_0'
// imports vertical line
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos, zeroPos, 'L', vertLinePos, bottomPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_1'
// Horizontal line to separate import/export
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, zeroPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, zeroPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_2'
// top horizontal line
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, topPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, topPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_3'
// bottom horizontal line
ren.path(['M', vertLinePos - horizWidth, bottomPos, 'L', vertLinePos + horizWidth, bottomPos])
stroke: stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
id: 'impExpLines_4'
// label imports and exports
ren.text('Exports',vertLinePos + 5,((zeroPos - topPos) / 2) + topPos + 3 )
.attr({id: 'impExpLines_5'})
// label imports and exports
ren.text('Imports',vertLinePos + 5,((bottomPos - zeroPos) / 2) + zeroPos + 3 )
.attr({id: 'impExpLines_6'})
var zeroPos = parseFloat(zeroGridLineArray.slice(-1)[0]); // position of the zero line
var zeroPos = this.yAxis[0].toPixels(0); // position of the zero line
请参见this JSFiddle演示。
关于javascript - highcharts redraw()具有引用新重绘图表的函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36898849/