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What is move semantics?

(12 个回答)


我正在阅读 std 模板库书籍,但对 STL 容器章节中列出的以下详细信息感到困惑。
显然,它指定了 STD::VECTOR 操作和效果
Operation                     Effect

vector<Elem> c(c2)  | Copy constructor; creates a new vector as a copy of c2 (all elements are copied)
vector<Elem> c = c2 | Copy constructor; creates a new vector as a copy of c2 (all elements are copied)
vector<Elem> c(rv)  | Move constructor; creates a new vector, taking the contents of the rvalue rv (since C++11)
vector<Elem> c = rv | Move constructor; creates a new vector, taking the contents of the rvalue rv (since C++11)



假设您有一个按值返回 vector 的函数 f:

std::vector<int> f();


然后假设您想调用此函数来初始化您的 vector :
std::vector<int> v = f();

现在编译器知道 f 返回的 vector 将不再使用,它​​是一个临时对象,因此复制这个临时对象没有意义,因为它无论如何都会被立即破坏。所以编译器决定调用移动构造函数。

关于c++ - C++ 编译器如何决定何时为 std::vector 或任何对象调用移动构造函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

10-11 22:23