//Gets server connection credentials stored in serConCred2.php
//SQL code for connection w/ error control
$con = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
die('Could not connect: ' . mysqli_connect_error());
//Selection of the databse w/ error control
$db_selected = mysqli_select_db($con, DB_NAME);
die('Can not use ' . DB_NAME . ': ' . mysqli_error($con));
//Co-PI and Co-Investigator Information variables
$Co_FNAME = $_POST['fname'];
$Co_LNAME = $_POST['lname'];
$Co_SLNAME = $_POST['slname'];
$Co_DEGREE = $_POST['Degree_Selection'];
$Co_DEGREE_Other = $_POST['other_specify_degree']; //hold the value of degree if user selected other from the dropdown menu
$Co_CPOS = $_POST['Current_Position_Selection'];
$Co_CPOS_Other = $_POST['other_specify_cpos']; //hold the value of Current Position if user selected other from the dropdown menu
$Co_INST = $_POST['Institution_Selection'];
$Co_INST_Other = $_POST['other_specify_inst']; //hold the value of Current Position if user selected other from the dropdown menu
$Co_SCHOOL = $_POST['School_Selection'];
$Co_SCHOOL_Other = $_POST['other_specify_school']; //hold the value of Current Position if user selected other from the dropdown menu
$Co_DEPART = $_POST['Department_Selection']; //Este se estara eliminando en la version online
$Co_DEPART_Other = $_POST['other_specify_department']; //hold the value of Department if user selected other from the dropdown menu
$Co_PROGRAM = $_POST['program'];
$Co_EMAIL = $_POST['email'];
$Co_PHONE = $_POST['phone'];
//If decition when user select other from the dropdown menu
if($Co_DEGREE == "other_degree") $Co_DEGREE = $Co_DEGREE_Other;
if($Co_CPOS == "other_cpos") $Co_CPOS = $Co_CPOS_Other;
if($Co_INST == "other_inst") $Co_INST = $Co_INST_Other;
if($Co_SCHOOL == "other_school") $Co_SCHOOL = $Co_SCHOOL_Other;
if($Co_DEPART_Other == "other_department") $Co_DEPART = $Co_DEPART_Other;
//This sets a starting point in the rollback process in case of errors along the code
$success = true; //Flag to determine success of transaction
//start transaction
echo "<br>1. Going to set autocommit to 0";
$command = "SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0";
echo "<br>2. Autocomint has been set to 0";
echo "<br>3. Going to run query to see if result is true or false";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $command);
echo "<br>4. Finished running the query. Result is:" . $result;
echo "<br>5. Going to set command to BEGIN";
$command = "BEGIN";
echo "<br>6. Command is now BEGIN";
echo "<br>7. Going to run query for command BEGIN";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $command);
echo "<br>8. Query runned for command BEGIN";
echo "<br>9. Result value is: " . $result;
//Saves Pi values into database
$sqlCoPI = "INSERT INTO co_pi_table (Fname, Lname, SLname, Degree, Current_Position, Institution, School, Department, Program, Email, Phone)
VALUES('$Co_FNAME', '$Co_LNAME', '$Co_SLNAME', '$Co_DEGREE', '$Co_CPOS', '$Co_INST', '$Co_SCHOOL', '$Co_DEPART', '$Co_PROGRAM', '$Co_EMAIL', '$Co_PHONE')";
echo "<br>10. Going to write sql command to populate table pi_table";
$sqlPi = "INSERT INTO pi_table (Fname, Lname, SLname, Degree, Current_Position, Institution, School, Department, Program, Email, Phone)
VALUES('$Co_FNAME', '$Co_LNAME', '$Co_SLNAME', '$Co_DEGREE', '$Co_CPOS', '$Co_INST', '$Co_SCHOOL', '$Co_DEPART', '$Co_PROGRAM', '$Co_EMAIL', '$Co_PHONE')";
$sqlPi = "INSERT INTO pi_table (Fname) VALUES('$Co_FNAME')";
//Checks to see if theres an error in the pi db con
echo "<br>11. Sql command finished writting.";
echo "<br>12. Going to query the sql finished command to the database to determine value of result.";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sqlPi);
echo "<br>13. Finished running sql command to database. Result value is: " . $result;
echo "<br>14. Going to enter if statements depending on result value";
if($result == false){
//die ('<br>Error in query to PI table: ' . mysqli_error($con));
echo "<br>15. I am inside the false statement. Success is going to be set as false. ";
$success = false;
//$success = true; //Cahnged this in order to test if values are being saved to db. Change back to false.
//Checks for errors or craches inside the code
// If found, execute rollback
echo "<br>16. Going to verify is success is true.";
$command = "COMMIT";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $command);
//echo "<br>Tables have been saved with 0 errors.";
echo "<br><p style=\"color: red;\"Principal Investigator has been saved successfuly. <br><br>
You may now CLOSE this page and press the<br><br> \"Refresh List\" <br><br>
button to display name in dropdown menu selection.</p>";
$command = "ROLLBACK";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $command);
echo "<br>17. Success was determined to be false.";
echo "<br>Error! Databases could not be saved.<br>
Contact system manager to report error. <br> <br>" . mysqli_error($con);
echo "<br>18. Setting autocommit back to 1 again.";
$command = "SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1"; //return to autocommit
$result = mysqli_query($con, $command);
//Displays message
//echo '<br>Connection Successfully. ';
//echo '<br>Database have been saved';
//Close the sql connection to dababase
1. Going to set autocommit to 0
2. Autocomint has been set to 0
3. Going to run query to see if result is true or false
4. Finished running the query. Result is:1
5. Going to set command to BEGIN
6. Command is now BEGIN
7. Going to run query for command BEGIN
8. Query runned for command BEGIN
9. Result value is: 1
10. Going to write sql command to populate table pi_table
11. Sql command finished writting.
12. Going to query the sql finished command to the database to determine value of result.
13. Finished running sql command to database. Result value is:
14. Going to enter if statements depending on result value
15. I am inside the false statement. Success is going to be set as false.
16. Going to verify is success is true.
17. Success was determined to be false.
Error! Databases could not be saved.
Contact system manager to report error.
18. Setting autocommit back to 1 again.