
void createThreadArray() {
    Thread threads[];
    int count = 10;
    threads = new Thread[count];
    threads[0] = new Thread();


Method void createThreadArray()
0   bipush 10           // Push int constant 10
2   istore_2            // Initialize count to that
3   iload_2             // Push count, used by anewarray
4   anewarray class #1  // Create new array of class Thread
7   astore_1            // Store new array in threads
8   aload_1             // Push value of threads
9   iconst_0            // Push int constant 0
10  new #1              // Create instance of class Thread
13  dup                 // Make duplicate reference...
14  invokespecial #5    // ...for Thread's constructor
                        // Method java.lang.Thread.<init>()V
17  aastore             // Store new Thread in array at 0
18  return

我的问题是,为什么首先要在此方法中先执行istore_2然后iload_2?我们不能只使用bipush 10推入堆栈的值来创建新的对象数组吗?这背后的设计考虑是什么?




10-07 13:12