通过this websitethis

def http = new HTTPBuilder('http://www.MyYouTrackServer.com')

AuthenticateMe() // I need that, otherwise I cannot access my server

http.get( path : 'MyIssue-25',
          contentType : JSON,
          query : [???'] ) { resp, reader ->
        // This gap has to be filled somehow,
        // so that I have a JSONObject or JSONArray, I can work with.
      println 'Response data: -----'
      System.out << reader
      println '\n--------------------'
    String str; // this is the important String containing the data

  <comment created="1277899067543" text="is it something wrong?" author="root"/>
  <field name="numberInProject"><value>0</value></field>
  <field name="summary"><value>susjs</value></field>
  <field name="priority"><value>1</value></field>
  <field name="description"><value>at jsjsjsj.mps.E.java at line 12</value></field>
  <field name="created"><value>1277392628191</value></field>
  <field name="updated"><value>1277399118476</value></field>
  <field name="reporterName"><value>root</value></field>
  <field name="updaterName"><value>root</value></field>
  <field name="state"><value>Submitted</value></field>
  <field name="subsystem"><value>No subsystem</value></field>
  <field name="fixedInBuild"><value>Next build</value></field>
  <field name="permittedGroup"><value>All Users</value></field>



import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder

def http = new HTTPBuilder('http://www.MyYouTrackServer.com')
http.get(   path : '/MyIssue-25',
            contentType : 'application/json'
        ) { resp, reader ->

        // inside reader you've your json object in `net.sf.json.JSONObject` instance
        println reader


考虑到query方法的get()参数是可选的,该参数用于查询方法url,如https://twitter.com/search?q=asd,在这种情况下,查询参数将是query : [ q : 'asd' ]
回到代码中,在reader对象中,有一个net.sf.json.JSONObject的实例要处理,看看its API
为了展示一个小例子,我在http://localhost/index.json有一个服务器,它返回以下json{ "a":"a", "b": { "b1":"b1", "b2":"b2" }, "c":"c" }来处理我使用的代码如下:
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder

def http = new HTTPBuilder('http://localhost')
http.get(   path : '/index.json',
            contentType : 'application/json'
        ) { resp, reader ->

        // cast the object it's not necessary... I cast it
        // to have the method suggestions by IDE
        net.sf.json.JSONObject read = reader
        println read.get("a") // prints "a"
        println read.get("b").get("b1") // prints "b1"

        // you can also use this approach
        println read.a // prints "a"
        println read.b.b1 // prints "b1"
        println read.b // prints [b1:b1, b2:b2]


http = new HTTPBuilder('http://www.MyYouTrackServer.com')
http.get(   path : '/MyIssue-25',
            contentType : 'application/xml'
        ) { resp, reader ->

        //  since your response is an xml now in reader you've GPathResult

        // and now some samples on how to work with the response:

        // get the text of each <field>
        def fields = reader.issue.field*.text();

        fields.each {
            print "$it " // prints 0 susjs 1 at jsjsjsj.mps.E.java at line 12 1277392628191 1277399118476 root root Submitted No subsystem Next build All Users numberInProject

        // another sample... get the name attribute value for the <field> elements
        def namesAttr = reader.issue.field*.@name
        namesAttr.each {
            print "$it " // prints numberInProject summary priority description created updated reporterName updaterName state subsystem fixedInBuild permittedGroup

        // find the <field> value for element which has attribute name="state"
        def field = reader.issue.'*'.findAll {
            it.@name == 'state'

        println field.text() // prints submitted


在这个YourTrack operation中,似乎有两个查询参数(project和max)可以使用它,您可以将查询参数添加到get()方法中,即:query : [ max : '15' ]

10-05 20:38