

public class LinkedStack<E> implements Stack<E>{

private int size = 0;

// Unlike the book, we'll use an inner class for our Node.
// Its two data members can be accessed directly by the Stack
// code, so we don't need setters and getters.
protected class Node{

    E data;
    Node next;

protected Node top; // not public, but can still be seen by other classes in the
                    // csci211 package.

/** Create an empty stack.
public LinkedStack(){

    top = null;

@Override // see interface for comments.
public void push(E e){
    //TODO 75
    Node temp = new Node();
    temp.data = e;
    temp.next = top;
    top = temp;

@Override // see interface for comments.
public E pop(){
    if (top==null) {
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Cannout pop an Empty Stack.");
    E topvar;
    topvar = top.data;
    top = top.next;
    return topvar;

@Override // see interface for comments.
public E peek() {
    if (top == null) {
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Cannout peek an Empty Stack.");
    //E topvar;
    //topvar = top.data;
    return top.data;

/** Retrieve the number of elements on this stack.
 * @return an int containing the number of elements
public int size() {

    return this.size;


/** An Iterator for our LinkedStack.
 * @author rhodes
 class LinkedStackIterator implements Iterator<E> {

    LinkedStack<E>.Node next;  // the book calls this "current"

    public LinkedStackIterator(LinkedStack<E> s){

        next = s.top;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return top != null;
        //TODO 100
        //return false;

    public E next() {

        if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
        E data = top.data;
        top = top.next;
        return data;

        //TODO 100

        //return null;



public void add(E element) {



public void clear() {

    this.top = null;
    this.size = 0;
public List<E> shallowCopy() {

     LinkedStack<E> newstack = new LinkedStack<E>();
     ArrayList<E> Alist = new ArrayList<E>();
    //Iterate through while we haven't hit the end of the stack
    Node newtest = top;
    while (newtest != null) {
        newtest = newtest.next;
    //TODO 85
    for(int i = Alist.size()-1;i>=0;i--) {
    return newstack;

public Iterator<E> iterator() {

    return new LinkedStackIterator(this);



@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // for Date.setHours(), Date.getHours()
public void shallowCopy1() {

    // let's use Date, since it's mutable.
    LinkedStack<Date> s = new LinkedStack<Date>();

    Date d = new Date();


    LinkedStack<Date> s2 =(LinkedStack<Date>) s.shallowCopy();

    Date d2=s2.pop();

    // The shallow copy should contain references to the same objects
    // as the original.
    assertTrue(d == d2);

    // So, we can change the Date in the original list using the Date that
    // came from the shallow copy.
    assertTrue(d.getHours() == 14);
    // I don't usually put two asserts in one test, but this seems like
    // an instructive example.

public void shallowCopy2() {

    LinkedStack<Integer> s1 = new LinkedStack<Integer>();

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {


    LinkedStack<Integer> s2 =(LinkedStack<Integer>) s1.shallowCopy();

    s2.push(10); // supposed to only affect s2
    s2.push(11); // supposed to only affect s2

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {


    int last = s1.pop(); // should throw


public void shallowCopy3() {

    LinkedStack<Integer> q1 = new LinkedStack<Integer>();

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {


    LinkedStack<Integer> q2 =(LinkedStack<Integer>) q1.shallowCopy();

    //Let's check that the order of elements is correct in the copy.
    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {

        int v1=q1.pop();
        int v2=q2.pop();

        assertEquals(v1, v2);




java - 在链接堆栈上进行浅拷贝的J单元测试失败-LMLPHP


java - 在链接堆栈上进行浅拷贝的J单元测试失败-LMLPHP

protected class Node{

    E data;
    Node next;

    Node(Node node){
        this.next = node.next;
        this.data = node.data;

public List<E> shallowCopy() {

    // LinkedStack<E> newStack = new LinkedStack<E>();
    //Iterate through while we haven't hit the end of the stack
    Node s = new Node(top);

     while (top.next != null) {
          s.next = new Node(top.next);
          top = top.next;
          s = s.next;
     return (List<E>) s;

public List<E> shallowCopyWithoutUpdatingNodeClass() {

    // LinkedStack<E> newStack = new LinkedStack<E>();
    //Iterate through while we haven't hit the end of the stack
    Node s = new Node(top);

     while (top.next != null) {
          s.next = new Node();
          s.next.next = top.next;
          s.next.data = top.data;
          top = top.next;
          s = s.next;
     return (List<E>) s;

答案受启发于:-What is the difference between a deep copy and a shallow copy?

07-24 09:50