int counter = 0;
int fd;
const char* filename;
int j = 0;
int no_of_children;
int* cpid;
//User define signal handler
static void sig_usr1(int);
static void sig_usr2(int signo, siginfo_t* info, void* context);
static void sig_usr1(int signo)
//Now the child process waits for reading the Filename
//Block SIGUSR1 until it's complete
signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN);
printf("Blocked now.\n");
printf("Child no %d is reading now.\n\n",getpid());
fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_CREAT);
char buf = 'a';
int k=0;
char* op = (char*) malloc (255*sizeof(char));
while(read (fd, &buf, 1))
if (buf == '\n')
op[k] = '\0';
op[k++] = buf;
//Now wait for a second and then send a signal
//Print the contents of the buffer via op
printf("Output: %s\n\n", op);
//Now unblock the signal
kill(getppid(), SIGUSR2);
signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr1);
printf("Unblocked now\n");
static void sig_usr2(int signo, siginfo_t* info, void* context)
if (signo == SIGUSR2)
child_pid = info->si_pid;
printf("Parent Received SIGUSR2. Child Process with PID %d is now free\n\n", child_pid);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//Filename is the first argument
filename = argv[1];
//Number of Child Processes to be spawned
no_of_children = atoi(argv[2]);
cpid = (int*) malloc (no_of_children*sizeof(int));
//Create a sigaction() handler for SIGUSR2
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sa.sa_sigaction = sig_usr2;
sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, NULL);
//Create no_of_children children
for(int i=0; i<no_of_children; i++)
cpid[i] = fork();
if (cpid[i] == 0)
//Inside a child
printf("Created %dth child process", i);
printf(" with Process ID = %d\n", getpid());
signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr1);
//Every child process must exit so control goes back to the parent
//Returns to the parent process
int fpid = cpid[j];
//Send the signal to the free child process
//printf("Sending to PID %d\n", fpid); //----> Uncommenting this line only prints this statement. Why does this happen?
kill(fpid, SIGUSR1);
j = (j < no_of_children - 1) ? j + 1 : 0; //----->Does not work as expected if i uncomment this line. I want to switch between PIDs and send signals to all of them
return 0;
$ ./a.out sample.txt 4
Created 0th child process with Process ID = 15734
Created 1th child process with Process ID = 15735
PID: 15737 -> PID: 15736 -> PID: 15735 -> PID: 15734
Created 2th child process with Process ID = 15736
Blocked now.
Child no 15734 is reading now.
Created 3th child process with Process ID = 15737
Output: This is a sample file
Unblocked now
Parent Received SIGUSR2. Child Process with PID 15734 is now free
Blocked now.
Child no 15734 is reading now.
Blocked now.
Child no 15735 is reading now.
Output: This is a sample file
Unblocked now
Output: This is a sample file
Parent Received SIGUSR2. Child Process with PID 15735 is now free
Blocked now.
Child no 15734 is reading now.
Unblocked now
Parent Received SIGUSR2. Child Process with PID 15736 is now free
Blocked now.
Child no 15735 is reading now.
Blocked now.
Blocked now.
Child no 15736 is reading now.
Child no 15737 is reading now.
int counter = 0;
int fd;
const char* filename;
int j = 0;
int no_of_children;
int* cpid;
int my_pid;
//User define signal handler
static void sig_usr1(int);
static void sig_usr2(int);
static void sig_usr1(int signo)
//Now the child process waits for reading the Filename
//Block SIGUSR1 until it's complete
signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN);
printf("%d\tBlocked now.\n", my_pid);
printf("%d\tChild no %d is reading now.\n",my_pid, getpid());
fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_CREAT);
char buf = 'a';
int k=0;
char* op = (char*) malloc (255*sizeof(char));
while(read (fd, &buf, 1))
if (buf == '\n')
op[k] = '\0';
op[k++] = buf;
//Now wait for a second and then send a signal
//Print the contents of the buffer via op
printf("%d\tOutput: %s\n", my_pid, op);
//Now unblock the signal
kill(getppid(), SIGUSR2);
signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr1);
printf("%d\tUnblocked now\n", my_pid);
static void sig_usr2(int signo)
if (signo == SIGUSR2)
printf("%d\tParent Received SIGUSR2. Child Process with PID %d is now free\n", my_pid, cpid[j]);
kill (cpid[j++], SIGUSR1);
if (j == no_of_children)
j = 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
my_pid = getpid();
//Filename is the first argument
filename = argv[1];
//Number of Child Processes to be spawned
no_of_children = atoi(argv[2]);
cpid = (int*) malloc (no_of_children*sizeof(int));
signal(SIGUSR2, sig_usr2);
//Create no_of_children children
for(int i=0; i<no_of_children; i++)
cpid[i] = fork();
if (cpid[i] == 0)
//Inside a child
my_pid = getpid();
printf("%d\tCreated %dth child process", my_pid, i);
printf(" with Process ID = %d\n", getpid());
signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr1);
//Every child process must exit so control goes back to the parent
printf("%d\tforked %dth child -> %d\n", my_pid, i, cpid[i]);
//Returns to the parent process
int fpid = cpid[j];
//Send the signal to the free child process
printf("%d\tSending to PID %d\n", my_pid, fpid);
kill(fpid, SIGUSR1);
//j = (j < no_of_children - 1) ? j + 1 : 0;
return 0;
$ ./signal_repetition signal_repetition.c 4
1901 forked 0th child -> 1902
1902 Created 0th child process with Process ID = 1902
1901 forked 1th child -> 1903
1903 Created 1th child process with Process ID = 1903
1901 forked 2th child -> 1904
1904 Created 2th child process with Process ID = 1904
1901 forked 3th child -> 1905
1901 Sending to PID 1902
1902 Blocked now.
1902 Child no 1902 is reading now.
1905 Created 3th child process with Process ID = 1905
1902 Output: #include<stdio.h>
1902 Unblocked now
1901 Parent Received SIGUSR2. Child Process with PID 1902 is now free
1901 Sending to PID 1903
1902 Blocked now.
1902 Child no 1902 is reading now.
1903 Blocked now.
1903 Child no 1903 is reading now.
1902 Output: #include<stdio.h>
1902 Unblocked now
1901 Parent Received SIGUSR2. Child Process with PID 1903 is now free
1901 Sending to PID 1904
1904 Blocked now.
1903 Output: #include<stdio.h>
1904 Child no 1904 is reading now.
1903 Unblocked now
1903 Blocked now.
1903 Child no 1903 is reading now.
1901 Parent Received SIGUSR2. Child Process with PID 1904 is now free
1901 Sending to PID 1905
1905 Blocked now.
1905 Child no 1905 is reading now.
1903 Output: #include<stdio.h>
1904 Output: #include<stdio.h>
1903 Unblocked now
1904 Unblocked now
1904 Blocked now.
1904 Child no 1904 is reading now.
1901 Parent Received SIGUSR2. Child Process with PID 1905 is now free