无论如何,在定义“ MotorizedVehicle”的类中,我具有以下代码。
public class MotorizedVehicle extends Bicycle {
int litersDisplaced;
int horsepower = litersDisplaced * wheelCount;
public MotorizedVehicle(String ownerName, int wheelCount, int litersDisplaced, int horsepower){
this.ownerName = ownerName;
this.wheelCount = wheelCount;
this.litersDisplaced = litersDisplaced;
this.horsepower = horsepower;
public int getLitersDisplaced() {
return litersDisplaced;
public void setLitersDisplaced(int litersDisplaced) {
this.litersDisplaced = litersDisplaced;
public int getHorsepower() {
return horsepower;
public void setHorsepower(int horsepower) {
this.horsepower = horsepower;
package extracredit4;
* @author ChetSpalsky
public class VehicleClient {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
MotorizedVehicle car1 = new MotorizedVehicle("Bill", 2, 4, *); //Where I have the * this is where the argument for the "horsepower" variable or method should be, but I don't know what to put here to call the variable that will be litersDisplaced * wheelCount.
为了清楚起见,我不能只将“ 8”放在第四个参数的位置,我必须调用将litersDisplaced和wheelCount相乘的方法。
只需输入2 * 4,如MotorizedVehicle car1 = new MotorizedVehicle("Bill", 2, 4, 2 * 4);