问题:我无法从.csv文件中获取输入并将其粘贴到结构数组中。我的问题是,编译器不允许我从char可变字分配G.word。我不知道为什么不这样做,因为我的结构和初始占位符变量都属于同一类型。谢谢。它必须在C中,但是赋值使我们可以使用C ++函数来处理文件。除此之外,我坚持使用C。
/*Sample of the data being read.
airport 2007 175702 32788
airport 2008 173294 31271
request 2005 646179 81592
request 2006 677820 86967
request 2007 697645 92342
request 2008 795265 125775
struct NGram{
char *nword;
int year;
int wordCount;
int uText;
char fileName[]="very_short.csv";
int main() {
char word[81];
int year;
int wordCount;
int uniqueTextCount;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int size = 100000; //initialize array at 100000
struct NGram G[size];
FILE *inFile; // declare file pointer
inFile = fopen( fileName,"r");
while( fscanf( inFile, "%s %d %d %d", word, &year, &wordCount, &uniqueTextCount) != EOF) {
//printf("%s %d %d %d\n", word, year, wordCount, uniqueTextCount);
if (year > 1800 && year < 2000) { //store values in struct only if between these dates
G[j].nword = word;
G[j].year = year;
G[j].wordCount = wordCount;
G[j].uText = uniqueTextCount;
return 0;
// char *nword;
// char word[81];
// G[j].nword = word;
size_t wsize = strlen(word) + 1;
G[j].nword = (char *) malloc(wsize); // drop cast if compiling in C, could add NULL check
memcpy(G[j].nword, word, wsize);
记录扫描停止的位置。// Zero fill G. Not truly needed but simplifies debugging.
struct NGram G[size] = { 0 };
char buf[200];
size_t j = 0;
while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, inFile) != NULL) {
if (j >= size) break; // Too many
char word[81];
NGram Nbuf;
int n = 0;
sscanf(buf, "%80s %d %d %d %n", word, &Nbuf.year, &Nbuf.wordCount, &Nbuf.uText, &n);
// If all fields were not scanned or something left at the end ...
if (n == 0 || buf[n]) {
puts("Bad Input");
if (Nbuf.year > 1800 && Nbuf.year < 2000) {
size_t wsize = strlen(word) + 1;
Nbuf.nword = (char *) malloc(wsize); // drop cast if compiling in C
memcpy(Nbuf.nword, word, wsize);
G[j] = Nbuf;
// Do something with G[0] to G[j-1]
// free each ( 0 to j-1) G[].nword when done.
关于c++ - 无法读取文件并将值放入结构数组中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28312900/